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ATTN: Millennium Towing damaging cars

Guest Mekkahfire

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Guest Mekkahfire
The "uhaul" thing wasnt really funny to begin with, considering i almost, literally, got decapitated. And i guess its really just not funny anyway. Imagine beating a dead horse, in a joke form, over and over again, to an un-funny joke.
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Originally posted by Mekkahfire:

The "uhaul" thing wasnt really funny to begin with, considering i almost, literally, got decapitated.

Indeed, a very good reason not to speed in such a manner that you cant react to a 5 ton truck "leaping" in front of you.

Maturity whuh now?

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Indeed, a very good reason not to speed in such a manner that you cant react to a 5 ton truck "leaping" in front of you.

Maturity whuh now?

And you drive mature all the time tongue.gif

Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

For being one of the most remembered assholes in CR history, you deserve everything coming to you, deal with it or leave.

blah blah blah...
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Guest Mekkahfire

Well i gave it another chance, but next time i want to give you guys a friendly warning about something, youl just have to find out the hard way.


And im glad all of my "assholes" are remembered here, you fucking reject. lol. Bye.

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Originally posted by B:

And you drive mature all the time tongue.gif

yes, I do. Look at my driving record. Heaps of speading tickets, yes, at fault accidents, no. I have fun behind the wheel, but I know where and when, and I dont let 1000 cubic foot orange and white boxes sneak up on me. I haven't been able to put together any situation in which that much damage could be done to that pontiac and not be totaly driver fault. Sure he says was only going 60, after having slowed down from....?

A truck that size simply could not move fast enough to present itself in your way faster then you could react unless;

A; he was driving way to fucking fast.


B: he wasn't paying attention.


The point of the ribbing here is, you forfeit your right to bitch about a situation that you put yourself in via your own stupidity.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

The point of the ribbing here is, you forfeit your right to bitch about a situation that you put yourself in via your own stupidity.

Well, I think your point is wrong. He doesn't lose that right. Let's say that I'm speeding - 75 in a 55. Cop pulls me over, gives me the ticket. Then, as he's doing that, he leans over and keys my car. By your reasoning, I wouldn't be allowed to bitch about him keying my car, since I was stupid to have been speeding in the first place.


Like I said about 20 posts earlier, just because he parked illegally doesn't give the tow shop permission to damage his car. Flame him for whatever all you want, but just don't use flawed reasoning as justification.

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Some of you need to lay off, especially the MODS.


Chris made some mistakes, oh well, that's life. What he doesn't need is flamed every time he posts, get over it.


John also brings up a very good point. What part of nreaking a law allows the person enacting it to damage personal property? It's bullshit, no matter how you look at it. Would someone like me to kick in their taillights next they they take up two spaces at Kroger? I think not.


Again, lay off and remain on the subject. I fucking swear :rolleyes:


Chris, I apologize for some of these people. Anyways, that's fucked what happened to your car, especially with how nicew it was turning out to be. Hopefully justice will prevail.


Last year my dad's girlfriend had her car repoed from his driveway. To get to it, they had to move his Buick. So they dragged it outta the way, in the process breaking the pawl for the parking gear. He took them to small claims court and the judgement was found in his favor. So, keep your hopes up, there's light at the end of this tunnel :cool:

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i was going to say the same thing anthony did but he beat me to it


Even if he is a constant dick, there's no way in hell anyone would take being told you're a dumbass and the damage they did to your car is your fault. That's just ignorance. Im sure if it happened to anyone else (and how many of us have had our cars towed from campus before?) That if that same damage popped up, we wouldn't be fuming. Very few.

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Originally posted by 360 IROC:


Not exactly the ninja's of the road. graemlins/thumb.gif


The reason for the critisism in this case is this, it wasn't a simple mistake. Getting pulled over and having your car keyed isn't comperable. More along hte lines of the officer leaning agains your car and scratching it with his Bat Belt . It wasn't a simple parking violation either. Its not like he forgot to feed the meter, he parked in a damn lawn. I'm still waiting for anyone to chime in with any area on campus, or in town for that matter, where it is remotely legal to park in grass. He still hasn't told us exactly where this was. Making a simple mistake and doing something blatantly stupid are two different things.

Should the tow company pay? Yes, I said that in my first post, it's their job to know WTF they are doing. I feel they are liable, not out of pitty for Mekkahfire, but simply because the fuckers should know how to do their job. But when you put yourself in this kind of situation because you either didn't respect campus autoritah, or you're just too dumb to realize that yards aren't parking lots, you have to expect bad things to happen.

Case in point, whos fault is this?



Those pics get a huge positive "hell yeah stupid fucker!" reaction, but you cant tell me they couldn't have linked up w/o breaking through the window. There was no immediate emergency, so chris has a legal leg to stand on. But it simple goes to show, when you do that shit, you put the fate of your car in the hands of the city...i.e. in harms way.


The question still remains, what were you doing in the grass? Also, the pic says "skid marks", raising further questions about your driving conduct....?


[ 04. April 2005, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Tenzig ]

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Not that it matters but I thought I would add my 2 cents. Ok so yes I think some people go too far fucking with you however you did cause allot of shit before and just about got brandon and a few others baned for threating you. If you happen to notice in ALL the post on this board everyone has things that they get ribed for, Hell one guy even got his own smilely for a joke. I mean what mark is gay, Adam lost to a girl driven 4 cyl, Tj is a gangsta, Anthony can't drive, And I am the fat guy with more projects than cr that will never finish one.So you don't think the uhaul thing is funny but we do live with it man. You need to pick, Do you want to be on here and get ribings from "the guys" and be a part of all of it or do you want to be the dick that comes on once and a while and stirs the pot buy getting all bothered and leting people get easy fun at your expence?
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Guest Mekkahfire

Theyl never understand that, stop trying to explain it to them. At the OhioHonda meet, i heard a group of people making fun of the "CR buttbuddy club" (an actual quote) because you guys were just standing in your own corner making fun of cars. Like i said, there are certian people here who will never understand what it is to be an automotive enthusiast. Theyre more interested in the scene. But whatever.


Anthony, thanks for your kind words. i plan on putting every last bit of my resources tword these trashy fucks until they fixed what they fucked up.


And along the lines of the grand am, i was accelerating after getting out of the "traffic" lane, and 60mph was the last time i looked at my speedo. I was probably going even slower than that, considering i look up and theres a truck half in my lane.


Or, ill go ahead and let you win and say that i was doing 140, weaving in and out of traffic, then swerved at a boxtruck in an attempt to get him to race me, and he swerved back and fucked up my car.


Now stop being obnoxious.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Getting pulled over and having your car keyed isn't comperable. More along hte lines of the officer leaning agains your car and scratching it with his Bat Belt

No, I think it is comparable. However, for the sake of argument, let's say it's not, and go with your example - that he leans against the car and (I'm assuming) accidentally scratches the car. Your line of reasoning would still dictate that I couldn't bitch about it - remember, you said that I forfeit that right because of my stupidity, i.e., the speeding, which led to the encounter in the first place. And, I think, you'd still be wrong.
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

No, I think it is comparable. However, for the sake of argument, let's say it's not, and go with your example - that he leans against the car and (I'm assuming) accidentally scratches the car. Your line of reasoning would still dictate that I couldn't bitch about it - remember, you said that I forfeit that right because of my stupidity, i.e., the speeding, which led to the encounter in the first place. And, I think, you'd still be wrong.

Right or wrong, you're still not getting a check. People go after the Po from time to time for at fault accidents and property damage, how many ever see a dime? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're involved in law to some degree, am I wrong is saying that nine times out of ten, state and local agencies and those employed by them dont have to pay for damges incurred to property while enforcing laws? The traffic stop situation realy doesnt apply period, so both of us are mistaken. In parking there, he put his vehicle in the hands of some one else. That doesnt happen during a traffic stop unless the drug sniffing dog picks something up. In such a case, the Po isn't liable for your door panels when they rip them of looking for narcotics that may or may not be there.

In the end, its a simple point, dont break the law, you infinately reduce your chances of bad things happening to you.

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I agree with your whole spiel about having a hard time pinning any wrongdoing on them even when there is essentially indisputable evidence against them (see Rodney King v. City of Los Angeles Police Department). No, my point was that he's allowed to bitch about the tow truck company messing up his car, even if he was at fault for having the tow truck arrive there in the first place.
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Mekkahfire, I don't think you'll have much trouble getting the tow company to pay for your damages. They are (going from what you said) clearly at fault in this situation. Question: did you ask them if they were willing to accept responsibility and pay for the damage before you got pissed, or did you decide to go straight to DEFCON 1? If you didn't ask in writing for reimbursement, you need to do that before you can pursue them in court.

I will say that parking illegally on campus is pretty dumb, but that's neither here no there.


On the subject of all the name-calling and back-biting on this forum, don't worry about it.

Remember, it's the internet. If you can't lay hands on the guy, right now, let it go. If you chill, relax, and don't feed the flames, you'll be a lot happier. Hell, I drive a Park Avenue and post here, think I don't get a few flames?

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Guest Mekkahfire

Na, they dont bother me.


But yes, i got pretty pissed, but the owner "wasnt in". So before i left, i gave them my phone number and said "have him call me if he wants to take responsibility for the damages. I can go get an estimate, and get it fixed. Otherwise, ill see you in court on thursday morning."


And like i said, i talked with a lawyer. They are liable for all damages, and they even have insurance which will cover the damages (its required to own a towing buisness.)


I guess ill just have to go about it the hard way.

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