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Are all Grand Prix drivers a holes?? Who drives a 4 dr gray one with intense sticker


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I was coming from Polaris and just turned onto Cleveland Avenue. Well there is a car right in front of me the other lane is open. A dark gray gtp with a intense sticker on back window and a bondaurant driving sachool license plate tag comes flying up in that lane. Well obviously I cant go anywhere with a car in front of me. Well the guy keeps tappping his brakes like he won soemthing. I pass the other car and catch him before the next light. Well he punks out and gets in the turning lane. I pulled up next to him and motion for him to put his window done.. I said if want a race why dont u try the next light. The guy says no I dont have a supercharger on now and turned real quick. Anybody know who this is? It was a white guy in his 30-40's.. CJ
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I would have beat you Super Charger or not tongue.gif


j/k... it wasn't me.... honestly, I find guys in Mustangs to be more of tools than GP drivers. j/k... actually kids in Hondas tend to be the biggest tools.... but that's cause they are just being kids... dumb or not.... just being kids.

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Guest ImprezaWRX
Originally posted by Wease:

Yes, they are all assholes. Just like those white trash Mustang drivers and redneck F-Body guys... graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest HERWS6
Originally posted by 00 NHRA T/A:

Damn, that means I'm an asshole redneck :(

Me too! We should start a club and get some stickers made up. This could be fun!
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Guest HERWS6
Originally posted by Buck531:

I thought Mike had a brownish color one (bronze)?

You are right, I think it's called bronzemist. Gray is not a color option to begin with.
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Originally posted by Buck531:

I thought Mike had a brownish color one (bronze)?

Yep, it's obvious this dude didn't get a good look at the paint color. He is the only GP driver in C-bus with a Bondaurant plate frame. tongue.gif
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Thanks for the replies. Obviously I dont think everyone is a hole. I was just pissed off when I posted. I am not sure why people act like ricers though. I dont race a lot anymore but if anyone is game I am. CJ
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Originally posted by I hate W bodys.:


Mike's the sprayed GP, right?



I talked to Mike last night. He said he's sorry if you got all pissy. He didn't mean any insult. He was just having a little fun. smile.gif

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Originally posted by I hate W bodys.:

Whos the fellow with the N20 to GO plates...someone should tell him his rockers are on backwards...

Why? What's wrong with his car?
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