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Wow, saw an OWNAGE!


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I went up to Kmart today, for some reason some guy in a dump truck was driving through the lot. Well, he was having a hard time with the traffic, and some goober in a Taurus whipped around him in front of the store, then jammed his brakes and swerved in front of the truck to drop off a passenger. The truck driver laid on the horn, and the guy in the Taurus rolls his window down and flicks the truck off. The trucker honks again, and starts to go around the Taurus. The guy in the Taurus musta been upset about this, cause he jumps out and starts screaming at the truck driving by him. The trucker must've heard him, because he dropped the shifter into neutral, stomps the brake, and gives his motor a long, hard, SMOKY diesel rev right out the exhaust pipe pointing directly at the open-doored Taurus and it's driver.


It'll take WEEKS for that smell to fade....

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Good. The douchebag deserved it, i f*ing hate when people cut me off. It's not like i'm driving slow, i usually go 5 over, or your driving along in the fast line and some douchbag decides last minute to hope in front of you w/o a signal. That shit happens at least once a day.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

I've been meaning to make a big, long winded post about giving courtesy to people driving with large loads or pulling trailers, just because of people like that.

It's not just being courteous, it's called having a brain. They are carrying 10's of thousands of tons. It's simple physics, you get hit by that and you are getting fucked up.
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Originally posted by Neo:

It's not just being courteous, it's called having a brain. They are carrying 10's of thousands of tons. It's simple physics, you get hit by that and you are getting fucked up.

My latest complaint was from when I was hauling a refridgerator the other day in the bed of my truck. I had more people tailgating me from west broad back here to dublin (at 7 pm) than I've had in the past month. I wasn't very happy.
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i don't have alarge car as you guys know, just my rx-7.


I don't drive slow, i don't drive fast. I go 5-10 over the speed limit. That's about it.


Well people are dumb fuckers and like to try to cut in front of me when im going along behind another car at the proper distance so if they slam on the brakes, i have enough stopping room. You can tell when these tools are about to do it also, to fuck with them at that last second where I see they're trying to just cut in front of me without using a signal or anything like that whatsoever, I just speed the fuck right up so im half way to where they're door is from the front of my car.


You'd be surprised how many times people look over at me to give me the rude face and ill make that angry mug at them and they sorta just slow down and turn away. I love that.


People in ohio drive like ass. Is it the same everywhere else? I've only driven on a regular occasion in canada and that's just a different world.

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I like it when people try to cut me off at the powell road and the meijer road where Powell road turns from two to one. I stay next to the assholes thats lane is merging into mine and don't let them get in front of me and I make them stop. It's funny.
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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

I like it when people try to cut me off at the powell road and the meijer road where Powell road turns from two to one. I stay next to the assholes thats lane is merging into mine and don't let them get in front of me and I make them stop. It's funny.

Wow you're mean!


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Well those people are assholes and I know they're just doing it to get in front on everyone else and I think thats bullshit. I hate assholes like that, its like getting in front of a semi when you're just going to be stopping and then you make them stop too, its just gay and I hate it.
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A. That ownage is classic, great for a laugh.


B. People tailgate you more when you've got something in the back of your truck because they wanna see it.


C. People in Ohio are probably average for cutting you off and being jackasses; I've driven other places and yes, it can get much worse. Don't add to the mess by screwing with innocent people who get caught in the wrong lane (though some people do deserve it): when was the last time someone was nice enough to make room for you?

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No shit. 90% of the people out there when I'm hauling something on my trailer are total assholes.

Luckily it does stop at least as good as the truck empty. I really hate when I'm trying to manuever into my driveway in westerville with it. Its amazing how your own neighbors will treat you once they get in a car. They always get right under the nose of my truck and as a move a little they move in closer. Sometimes I just get out and inspect my truck/trailer with it blocking the whole road.



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That kinda stuff pisses me off to no end. I work for a Heavy Equipment rental place during the summer and do mostly deliverys and some repairs. I swear that people are out on a mission to cut me off and slam on their brakes whenever I'm hauling a piece of equipment around. Do they not know that its called HEAVY equipment for a reason? The damn thing doesn't stop on a dime....I Have been lucky so far, but I've come real close a few times to nailing the person who just decided to cut me off and hit their brakes...


14,000lb. of steel on wheels > most vehicles on the road.

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