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Remember back before Fox got ahold of it, and they actualy air Racing? Now its like MTV, it airs a total of about 7 hours of actual racing per week, and the rest is talking about racing or just plain not racing at all. Of that crap, 90% is bloody NASCAR. Speed TV has turned an apathy of NASCAR into an outright hatered. There are so many different kinds of racing out there, and they used to get coverage. What ever happened to Motorsport Mundial? Legends of Motorsport? Paris-Dakar? Speedvison Theater? WRC (look at the time slots that gets)? CART? F3000? Victory by Design?

Why was there 14 fucking hours of NASCAR shit on today! I couldn't stomach watching 14 hours of ANYHTING, not even porn! (and I love me some porn!)


They have the ability to air a great and diverse line up, why does Truck Universe prime air and Legends of Motorsport gets 7am weekdays? This friday they have NASCAR from 12pm to 5am the following day, 17 hours straight! 9 hours of that is 3 airings of Busch and cup qualifying. No wonder Averag Joe America thinks that there is no racing outside of NASCAR, and doesnt beleive youwhen you say F1 is the most watched motorsport in the world (2nd most popular sport period, second to soccer).

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ya my mom watchs the dumbasses talk about last weeks race for 5 FN days till they get a new one to talk about. She just can't understand why I don't want to hear about a race I didn't even want to watch the first damn time! I don't understand how you can find that much to talk.

Oh and remember when they used to have the spot light shows on classic cars?

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Originally posted by Sapper98Z:

Dale Jr. still kicks ass no matter what. I'd frankly like to see more American LeMans series, and watch the C6R's romp.

No offence to you personally Scott, I love ya, but Dale Jr is the most talentless hack aver to to be taken in by NASCAR. Look at past Champs, they were good at other stuff, too. Dale Jr, he's only good at NASCAR, only good at ovals. Its no secret that they let his car tech over an inch short for the Daytona following his dads death, and I have no problem beleiving they still help him out. Why? He's a name, a young face that sells.

I can honnestly say that I liked NASCAR before it was cool. It was my childhood intro to motorsport, god knows nothing else got aired in Lima. I also grew up 1/4mi from a dirt track. Then Geoff Gordon came along, and the PR machine began building up. I just lost intrest. These days I see the sham it is. Its billboards cutting in line for 2 hours. Its Pro Wrestling and roller derby combined. And even worse, lately its a fucking sdoap opera. It certainlyis not what it once was, and we have the media to thank.

It's popular, yes, but only because it was made that way. I must give props to the whores that managed to pull that off, I'm sure they made alot of money. Its one of those things where, if you just stick it in peoples faces long enough, they will think its popular. I'm sure its fun,I'm sure its entertaining, but is not motor racing, and it makes me bloody sick to hear a NASCAR fan say "Them eff wun cawrs drive thems'helfs, NASCAwR drivers are the only real racers". Completely ignoring the fact that one of NASCARs most (and few) talented drivers took the helm of a winning Williams car and only turned laps 6 seconds off the pace of the slowest car. That's over 15 seconds slower, and he almost destroyed the car doing it. TV has made this country ignorant in so many ways.

Why was the International Race Of champions barely seen this year? Because the two american drivers we sent, Nascar Drivers, abosultly sucked and humiliated us as a nation. Why not send some one from a race series that actualy develops drivers, as apposed to stultifying them on paved ovals. NASCAR enduces atrophy of whatever youinvolve with it, be it you driving skills as a driver, or your mind as a spectator.


Too dumb for opera, too smart for NASCAR

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Originally posted by Sapper98Z:

I know NASCAR is mostly let turns, but it's still sometimes fun to watch em fuck each other up over a couple drinks.

exactly. Scott you have tapped into the main marketing premise of NASCAR. Its fun to watch, ans simple enough to enjoy while utterly plastered and not feel lost. graemlins/thumb.gif


And much props to whats left of the old guys in NASCAR. Mark Martin should be commended just for driving a car with VIAGRA up the side. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by The Stig:

There hasn't been a National Association of Stock Car Racing event since the 60s, because there hasn't been a Stock Car (or anything resembling one) on the track since then.

That would honestly be more fun watchin a stock taurus vs. monte carlo on street tires, puttin each other in the wall. :D
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Originally posted by The Stig:

There hasn't been a National Association of Stock Car Racing event since the 60s, because there hasn't been a Stock Car (or anything resembling one) on the track since then.

th exact reson i dont watch nascrap
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NASCAR = WWE wrestling promoting + crappy announcers + dipshit fans.


I liked nascar back in the 70's and 80's.... you know...when it was about RACING! I can't hardly stand to watch it anymore....

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I'm not sure which puts me to sleep faster? Watching stupid Nascar on TV or Golf? Only difference for me is I luv to play golf but I wouldn't drive in a nascar event even if someone offered me the opportunity!!!!
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when stcock car racing pulls its head out of its ass and starts racing "stock" cars again (e.g identical to the showroom car + roll cage and safety equipment) i will take an intrest.

this aero bubble with the emblems off of a wrong wheel drive family sedan sitting on a rwd tube chassis sickens me.

wasnt the whole idae of nascrap to be a place where the factories got together and let thier tech departments duke it out? a place where the research and development ended up directly aplied to the car you could buy, because they where required to sell that same car to the public. (was only what, 250 or 500 units) but still, at least they had it available, and it was real.

/:rant off

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actualy no. The idea behind the foundations of NASCAR was that you or I could take our car out and race it, as aposed to high dollar Gran Prix or GT cup racing of the time. You'd buy a car, take it to a dirt or sand oval, flog it, and drive it home. In the 50s-60s it became as Andrew described. All of that has been lost in its entirety.
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