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Lease vs Loan


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Thats kinda what I thought about leasing. I probably drive to much. I'm looking at getting a toyota truck for my wife to drive to work and for me to haul my other toyota with on the weekends. I did a web search for quite some time over the past few days and haven't found any info on loans or leasing. You'd think it would be a topic that would at least have 1 FAQ out there, but I haven't found anything yet. Anyone know when the best time to buy cars is? I'm guessing at the end of the year, but I don't like the current toyota trucks. I'm very interested in the 05 model year. Don't bother talking me into anything else. Nothing compares in quality.



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Yeah I figure I could. I just don't even have a clue what type of restriction it would be. They must be talking 10K a year. I'd do more like 30K a year.


I'm just tired of driving everyone elses old junk for 5 years. I think I'd rather drive my own toy for 10+ years.



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Having been in the auto finance b/z for 30 yrs! Here's some factual answers to your questions =


* Lease must be closed end type, ergo end of lease termination ie residual value is lenders responsibility not yours

* Yeah you can do a lease for annual mileages that range from 12,000 a year to 20,000 a year. The catch is that you MUST pick your annual mileage at inception of your deal

* mileages OVER the annual one you chose you'll typically pay .15 for EACH mile over / thats where consumers "get nicked"


Leasing is NOT for everyone, but it does work for some --- Hope that helps. If you have any addl questions, don't hesitate to p.m. me. I work at Nissan North & would be glad to help you -

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I'll never lease another car again in my life. I hate having to worry about miles and mods which will void some warranty. However, getting a lease on a fast-depreciating model means you won't have to worry about losing money on resale values.

EVERYONE I know that has leased will never do it again, myself included.
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I know of several people that only lease and they are field service technicians so they add up 50,000 miles plus a year. I don't know why they lease or what type of deal there getting, but they are always in a new car and don't wanna mess with fixing shit.



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I will never lease again. Basically you are paying to rent a car for 3 - 5 years. You will have to pay alot to get out of the lease, if you dont wait. The car will never go into your name, and you will not be able to get any money out of it. On the other hand, you will have a reliable car. If you do decied to lease, becareful and the lease agreement carefully.
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I lease my Suburban and I'll lease the next one! I tow with mine. I'll use it up and turn it in. I've done it before and I'll keep doing it. The payment on a new Suburban is more than I want to pay for a vehicle. I can lease it for less and always have a great tow vehicle!
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I just leased a new car the other day. Personally, I do not prefer leasing, purchasing a vehicle is much better to me. However, if your a person who is looking to "build" credit when you don't have much to start with, I would suggest leasing. Also,if a person decides to lease, do not forget to get something with some value to it after the lease period is over. That way, you have some equity built.
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