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05 ZX10 or GSX-R1000

Guest ravedave

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With a "TRE" mod on any 1000 you can hit 200mph!!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to take you an added couple of miles, as with those Million dollar GP bikes they can hit 200 in half the distance or better... I've seen video and have talk'n with many peop's that run TRE's..........


That is the biggest bunch of BULL SHIT I have ever heard!


No 1000cc bike has a chance of running anywhere near that fast. You are going to need around 200 REAR WHEEL HP to go 200MPH on a liter bike because of the AERO. Even then you will have to gear it through the roof to get it to pull 200.


NO gay .50$ resistor (TRE) is going to get any stock bike in the world to 200MPH PERIOD!


Even then I want to see it on the GPS before I believe shit. These speedo indicated JOKERS can get lost, cause I know what it takes and I am not buying it.

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Guest Crucial Conflict
Your such a cool dude got-busa... --->J/K I could give a ratazz where this thread goes, I'm not a speed/inline racer so I don't give a fly'n f**k, but I've seen it and heard it from the dudes that make these resistors.. They could have been feed'n me full of shit, but I didn't care and wasn't pressed cause I didn't want nor buy there product that you could make your self from radio shack for under a dolla. I run my 1000 on one wheel 90% of the time, and treat it like ho... But thats just a stunter for ya.. out!
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my 05 zx10r ran 9.75 at norwalk. i think with a good rider it would run 9.5 .it seems to have a hard time getting traction.also i st gear is so high its hard to launch and keep the rpms up.also with the timing retard eliminated ive had it to 211 mph on 270.although i have not hit the shift lite in 6th gear yet, i dont think it will do 220.[/QUOE]

i am glade i have my boots on the SHIT IS GEETIN DEEP. i have a pro mode drag bike that i raced a couple times. if your bike was to go that fast how an the HELL did you look down to see how fast you were going.

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Dragknee posted in response to Bug Bike Dude =

Thats the funniest crap Ive heard in my entire life.


Pretty tough line there Dragknee. All he's saying in a matter of fact post is this is the experience he's had thus far on that bike. No boasting or talkin trash - just how it's running so far. His speedo (by the way) matched mph EXACTLY with what Norwalk's equipment clocked him at ie something north of 140 -


All I'm saying is hey - take it easy, he's not bullshitting you or anyone else on this board -

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I don't think his runs at Norwalk are in question. It's when he posts that he has been 211mph on a ZX10 that things get cloudy.


BS'n or not when he makes a claim like that, anything he says becomes questionable!


Youre a douche bag. Seriously. Come out Friday, see where you and your bike stack up.


Edit: Just saw you're posting from Dayton...so I guess you wont be showing. Typical. :rolleyes:


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Why am I a douche bag? Because I don't make ludicrous BS claims on an internet forum? Or the fact that I called him on his BS?


Besides, I know where my bike stacks up and don't BS anyone about it's performance. How about you come out to Kil-Kare and race on 2-wheel tuesday and see where your at?


Or are you not going to show because your a "typical" Columbus biker.....WTF? Give me a break dude!

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i didn't say i was looking to buy one or the other...i'm intrigued by results. i like information and knowledge and i truely want to know which is a better bike. I'll prolly move up to a 636 next year in all honesty. i figured this would stir up that confusion lol i'm finishing this year with my GS500F. That is when i purchase the new forks n fix it. They're on ebay right now for $100..but i'd like them to stay that way so i'm not bidding till the last possible day haha!



Are you on GStwin.com ?

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Why am I a douche bag? Because I don't make ludicrous BS claims on an internet forum? Or the fact that I called him on his BS?


Besides, I know where my bike stacks up and don't BS anyone about it's performance. How about you come out to Kil-Kare and race on 2-wheel tuesday and see where your at?


Or are you not going to show because your a "typical" Columbus biker.....WTF? Give me a break dude!


Hes saying that because Big biker Dude, tstock, and Marc are family. Family stands up for eachother?


I don't think Got busa? is a duchebag... he is just preachin the truth. bike speedos get prety inacurate past 130 or 140. But none the less, when I talk about how fast I was going, I use the speed that was indicated. I don't have a GPS or way to tell how fast i was actualy going when my bike was indicating 180... so I just say 180, I know there is no way in hell a ZX-6R can go 180 but what else am I supposed to say? Explain areodynamics, and HP and bike speeedos everytime somone ask me how fast i was going?

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this is getting rediculous. Just think of the facts people. Slap that bike on a dyno and it'll tell you what the bike will top out at in "perfect" conditions. pretty much you can gear it to the moon and see what you come up with. My sv did 120 with my current gearing(+3), i could care less. If you ride a sportbike it's made to turn, i honestly could care less how fast i go down the straight.


Also, i'm tired of people making rediculous claims about performance. Unless you have 100% proof of your vehicle doin something, then keep it to yourself.

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His ZX10 does not do 211mph.


Its honestly THE dumbest thing Ive read on ANY bike forum anywhere on the web.


If a 50cent resistor is all it took, EVERYONE would have that mod.


Do you have a GPS? Will you be out this weekend?


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Come on up here Friday night like I originally said.



Sorry but I work late on Friday night this week.


Just tell him to go to Wal-mart and by a Garmin GPS in the hunting section. They are only $99 and work great.


Make sure you post pics of his 178-180mph (if that) reading.

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ive only seen your gps do 177 in a vid, you sure you can keep up ;)


I guess not, I can't do anywhere close to 211mph. ;) 16/40 gearing and no TRE will do that to you. :)


He's going to be in for a surprise if he has stock gearing. Anything different and he's going to feel dumb when it doesn't even pull 180mph!

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Wow!!! Where has this thread gone.....Anyway, I am sure my bike does a true 186. The TRE is said to increase that, but with typical conditions, I don't see it happening.

Also, the TRE is not for just getting more top end....It's to get full potential out of the gears that are limited/restricted.

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i will lock in a bet of $1000.00 dollar at the trails friday that you cant do 140 mph on your stock bike.an if you want to bet more let me no that should be an easy $1000.00 for you.sence you can run over 200 mph.


You're retarded. I have the timeslip from Norwalk. Not to mention there is at least 25 people on here that watched him go 9.75 at 143. Go eat a dick.


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