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Disabling Auto-On headlights


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Car in Question:2001 Pontiac Grand Prix


Background:My graemlins/asshole.gif drunk neighbor decides to hit me up for beer money AND a ride to the Dairy Mart the other day around 1am as I'm getting home. Since he's already drunk, and I'm too polite to tell him to f*** off, I have to stand outside in the rain and listen to him babble for about 10 minutes before he asks and I say "NO."

I think to myself: "Self, if I could somehow disable the damned auto-sensing headlights, I could cruise up in stealth mode, park, and be in the house before he knows I'm home."

Problem: I thought the manual told me how to disable the headlights, but it doesn't. It says that the lights will stay off until the E-brake (sorry.. "parking brake") is released. Drat.

Question:Can anyone tell me how to disable the damned headlights? I've got the DRL's disabled, but the headlights still pop on when it gets dark. I even tried shining a flashlight at the sensor, but they stay on.


Thanks guys!

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I'm sure that you could get the chip burned, but as an easy, temporary solution, just pull the e-brake up one click. It's enough to kill the lights, but it shouldnt be enough to actually engage. I've HEARD that on some GM's, you can hit the dome override button several times to kill the daytime lights, but it seems to not work on every vehicle, i.e., it works on a friend's 2000 sonoma, but not on Anthony's blazer :confused:
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Originally posted by copperhead:

I'm sure that you could get the chip burned, but as an easy, temporary solution, just pull the e-brake up one click. It's enough to kill the lights, but it shouldnt be enough to actually engage. I've HEARD that on some GM's, you can hit the dome override button several times to kill the daytime lights, but it seems to not work on every vehicle, i.e., it works on a friend's 2000 sonoma, but not on Anthony's blazer :confused:

Yes, pressing the dome ovveride button twice should disable the auto lights. It works on my blazer
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Guest nevarmore

Do you auto-headlights have a sensitiviy selector? Turn that all the way down.


As for the neighbor, do what I do and tell him to fuck off as soon as he says something to me.

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sounds like it's time to operate on the car. The switch that controls that is in the console on the parking brake. Pull the console up and find the switch, hang two wires on it and run them to another switch in to console or elsewhere that it's out of sight if needs be. then just flip the switch. It may run off the switch that turns on the brake indicator on the dask as well so it might light up when the head lights go out. But that would be a simple way of doing it.
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i think theres two systems at work here..


the DRLs...which he has disabled...


and the auto headlights....


id try popping out on the photoeye and jumpering a wire in its place...


that and measuring the delay it takes for the reaction to occur..like when im stopped under a bridge, there is a dealy before the lights go on..


might be a photoelectric sensor is wired in an inverse system, that way when it sees the absence of light, it creates resistance, that resistance is fed to the computer, delay, lights go on...


just a theory, i'll try it on my GP, see what happens

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Ok, I did some more digging last night. Since some other folks have the same questions, i'll post what I found out.


I couldn't find anything specific, but I did find this on a Camaro/Firebird forum:


The photo eye works in the following manner: When the "eye" detects light, the resistance is zero. As it gets darker, resistance goes up. When the resistance gets to a certain point, the voltage will drop below a preset level, and <CLICK!> the lights come on. If you put a switch in parallel (or just cut, strip, and tie the wires together), the resistance will stay at zero, and your lights will stay off. Note that you can NOT just cut the wires.


Here's a quickie diagram:




I'll give it a try this weekend and let y'all know what happens.

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