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Respecting the funny


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There will be a rule change in tech. Contrary to popular opinion, we do have a sense of humor. It may be small and underdeveloped, like dubber's manhood, but it is there and functional.


Since CR does not have an official humor section, off-topic threads that amuse the management will now be permitted to remain. The burden of the funny is on the poster, and the funny must be clever and at least remotely technical in nature. Threads not containing any discernable funny will be summarily executed.


Profanity, as defined by George Carlin, will not be tolerated since it requires little creative talent.


Management reserves the right to revoke this policy in the event that excessive amounts of frivolity occur.

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

So you won't be trading the funny to the PRD?

If PRD desires some of our surplus funny, they may request it from us at any time and we will be glad to provide it. Our domestic funny needs are rather low. This new policy simply allows for the legal production of funny within tech, something that has not been specifically permitted in the past.
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tongue.gif - the grin


modderators blow. and underdeveloped is a positive and bigger and i would have a problem with walking. The opinion of the techsection is due-ly noted and knowing me probably going to be ignored. But i'm sure you'll have noooooo problem in deleting or moderating all of what i have to say (bastage).


BTW- Mr. Pink change your aim color yet. :D


Kyle g.

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