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Guest Sidecar9

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Guest badmuthrfkr
Originally posted by torqueless:

I think that their are alot of people around America who have had bad experiences with shops. Some not as bad as others, I just feel that it is sad that when people go to a certain shop and have a bad experience, they always talk some smack about it. But when people have a great experience they seldom say something. Just trying to get that off of my chest. graemlins/asshole.gif

Everyone praises SP for their awesome work.
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Why praise someone when you've PAID for a service?? If you do good work, fine-- you paid for this work. If you go out of your way to please a customer, thats even better. But when i'm paying or something, and i don't get what I want, you're damn right i'm going to bitch. but if i pay for something, and get it-- i'm going to say, good, i paid for that, it better work.
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Guest Sidecar9
I agree. I heard in a sales seminar that if you do a good job, that person will tell about one or two people. If you do a bad job, they will tell everyone they know. Kinda sux like that. I try to do my best at Passen, but some customers don't like us there regardless of what we do. If anyone would like some help, just stop on by, and I will do my best. ;)
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I've heard lots more bad than good about passen. Friends with horror stories, but we won't let peoples cars geting messed up and passen not doing anything about it ruin their image. No, lets just forget about peoples cars they have fucked up and charged them for and not done anything to try to fix the situation. I think you just convinced me that I should trust passen with my car. If I ever need anything done I won't go to Brian or Buscher or Can't remember the other big DSM people up north (bad memory sometimes). I'm gona go to passen.


Yeah, it only takes me hearing one legit story of someone taking their car to a shop, paying good money to get serious work done, the shop messing it up, then not doing anything to try to fix the situation. I don't know about you, but I care about my hard earned mone, and especially my car too much to put either into hands I don't trust. To bad I've heard quite a few legit horror stories about passen, their quality of work, and their business tactics to EVER think about going there for anything. Even if it's just vacume lines I willl NEVER buy anything from that store.

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Guest Sidecar9
Wow! I had no idea that so many people hated Passen Motorsports. I guess it makes sense though, b/c all the people who love us come in. Sorry to all who have had bad times there. I wish I could do something for ya. By the way .. Matt certainly does ROCK :D
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Originally posted by Cold air

looking for 15's

hey! he's back! :D


As for Passens reputation, I think it may have something to do with a certain high profile car, getting severly f'ked up, because of a rediculous mistake, and the owner being a memeber of a certain local website with a member count approaching 2000 ;)


sidecar9, what do you do at passen? And, whats your name? Better then people calling you sidecar tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Moltar:

As for Passens reputation, I think it may have something to do with a certain high profile car, getting severly f'ked up, because of a rediculous mistake, and the owner being a memeber of a certain local website with a member count approaching 2000 ;)

what exactly happened? just curious, anyone care to fill me in? :confused:
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no- offense sidecar9, but i didn't have a great expiernce w/ passen. i wanted them to finish my swap and they couldn't. there wasn't that much to do on it,but anyway. the biggest thing was that they lied to me, one day when i went to check on the progress on my car, one of the guys up front said they got it started, so i checked and the wiring wasn't even done yet. after 2 months they still didn't even finish it i told them to stop and give me the bill. so know it sits in my garage. so i worked on it & found out that the starter was bad, so how did Passen get my car started. i guess that will be mystery!!
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Guest badmuthrfkr

In short, they sold my friend Wade a crap B16A head that they built with JUN cams, and all the goodies. It blew up 100 miles later. $3k down the hole, Shawn(sp?) told him to never come back after they disputed this problem.


Steve is a good guy too, but he left Passen a long time ago.

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Guys, this thread is no longer technical, so I'm closing it.


Sidecar, good luck to you and your co-workers at Passen. Columbus needs good shops that are stable, and good people working at them. What you learned at the sales seminar is very true, and probably 10x as true with the advent of the Internet.


COLD AIR, tech policy requires your off-topic posts to be funny. You have some work to do. tongue.gif

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