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Needs some help with speakers...


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I have a pair of Infiniti Reference Component set speakers that I've had for about 4 years now. Well a few weeks ago the left channel starts sounding funky... like a crackle on and off. The speaker is not blown, because its been getting the same power for the past four years. I traced all the speaker wire, amp, and even switched the preamp outputs to see if it was the amp. Occasionally if it turn the speaker up really loud, it stops crackling.


Whats wrong?

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Guest mudbutt

That sounds like A.) Yes, a blown speaker power doesnt have muchh to do with it happening as much as distortion. Sometiimes one can blow and not the other, they usually dont just give out in pairs. B.) a lose wire that could explaign the working when you turn it up.


Switching the preouts was a good start, next switch outputs from the amp. then trace it back to the speaker. Im going to guess it is either a warped voice coil or the voice coil has a burnt section.



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Guest BlackS14

If they're component speakers, swap the crossovers left and right. There may be a bad connection in one.


4 years is a long time to have a set of speakers in a car. All of that bouncing around can take it's toll on the circuit board inside the crossover.

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