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Trouble Maker

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Ok, I've seen videos with cars runing with parachutes at tracks, but they don't go off, what give. Do you need them at a certian point for simple safetys sake, and then if you get in trouble you can use it, or if you are over another limit does it need to go off no matter what. What are the standards for roll cages and parachutes in the different tracks around here? How hard is it to remove thoes things so when your out on the street you don't attract tons of attention? I saw a car over the summer with on one out on the weekend, I had allready heard the car was fast before I saw it, so that didn't suprise me, in fact it just looked kinda weird on the street.
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my roommate has an NHRA rulebook around here somewhere..I'll find it later.

I'll give you the basics. I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out..


13.99 and quicker requires SNELL 95 or newer helmet. Convertables require roll cage.


12.99 and quicker needs a driveshaft loop


11.99 and quicker requires the driver to wear a fire proof jacket and the car to have a 6point roll cage. You must have the side bar that runs down your side in the middle of your shoulder and elbow(when your arms is at your side). This bar can be removeable or "swing out". The bar behind the seat which runs right across the back seat is one that cannot be removeable(to the best of my knowledge). Which sucks cause it makes the backseat somewhat useless.


9.99 and quicker requires a 10point rollcage, NHRA license and the chassis has to be certified.


These are the only ones I can think of offhand. Heck there are pages and pages of rules so I'm sure I'm leavin a bunch out. I was just tryin to hit the ones that effect the most and you actually hear about. I believe that a chute is required when you run about 150mph, but don't quote me on that..

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The ruly arent that heavy.e of thumb is that any car exceeding 150 mph or 8.99 must be equipped with a parachute, though it is rarely used because of the advanced brakes that most of these cars have, or the fact that the
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