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Questions about Greddy A/F "sorta wideband...maybe" gauge


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"How does the GReddy A/F kit differ from the A/F monitors that most people use today? The main differentiating factor is the GReddy kit comes with it's own higher band oxygen sensor which is rated at 1,500 hours on unleaded fuel. The GReddy kit also uses a more robust and hopefully more accurate voltmeter circuit. Combined you have a good product for under $300."


What does "higer band" mean...that doesn't describe crap. How is the voltmeter circuit "more robust" and come on, "hopefully more accurate."


There is a thread over on CZ28 asking about how accurate these things really are, and no one has tried one of THESE units yet. Their claim that the MoTeC Wideband meter costs $4000 is outrageous....the real price is about $1000. Still expensive, but not what they are claiming! 4k would buy the full engine management computer + the wideband option to it!


FJO also sells a wideband kit, but again, $750 minimum, and $1000 to have some of the other features.


So does the Greddy unit work....is it pretty much as good as a true wide band or not?

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I'm building my WB kit over the winter. Should cost less than $200 for everything. Do you want a WB for tuning, or an actual guage type thing Joe?


Mine will be just for tuning, have a 3rd bung welded into my OR pipe. Have it capped until I tune, then plug in the sensor. Looks like I can build a little display, or connect it to my laptop maybe. These things aren't reccomended for day to day use though, will wear out the sensor, which is half the price of the system basically... so if you want an A/F gauge this may not be what you want.




Thats what I'm building, from down under. The 1.5 version. smile.gif


[ 24 December 2002, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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Next, the Greddy unit is not a true wide band. I hear it is fairly accurate if tuned in on a dyno using a real wide band.


3rd, never go to Suprastore.com again. They are complete morons, which is why YOU were drawn to go there.


Expect to pay in the neighborhood of ~1000 bucks for a true wideband.


[ 24 December 2002, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Stolen UFO ]

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Looks like that Greedy thing uses the same UEGO sensor... you can read about it here.


Basically, Honda used it on some of their cars, and is much more sensitive than any other O2 sensor... not a wideband, but alot closer than many crappy OEM O2 sensors.


I think the Aussie stuff is much more open, you can do what you want with it. And, you can buy the stuff pre-built, just costs more. I'll probably just stick with the RS232 deal, and no display.


If you want the analog gauge, then get the Greedy. If you want a LED display, or laptop for logging, get the Techedge. ;)


[ 24 December 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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I have never heard of anyone knowledgable doing serious tuning with the Greddy on Supras. It uses a four wire sensor that Greddy themselves state should NOT be relied upon for tuning purposes. It is NOT the same five wire UEGO sensor used by Techedge, Motec and FJO.


Kyle has the Techedge from Australia. He's been happy with the results, and the results from it were consistent with Brian's wideband on the dyno. I do know some people have had issues related to proper grounding of the control unit, but Kyle being Kyle, he has installed it correctly and had no problems (that I know of). ;)


Everyone I know with the FJO unit raves about it. It's very good, and comes with excellent technical support.


Suprastore exists for the sole purpose of making the owner's car faster, not anyone else's. I wouldn't base any product decision soley on information from that site.


Here is a FAQ from a leading retailer of the FJO. It's biased towards the FJO, but I've found the owner of that site (http://www.widebando2.com) to be a straight up and reliable guy:




The info there pretty much squares up with everything I've read on the topic.

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I was just shown that link from Suprastore, in no way was I considering buy it from there (or buying it at all, since I'm freaking broke).


I like the whole gauge setup the Greddy has, along with the price, but at the same time, I would want it for both monitering AND tuning purposes. Obviously, this is not the best choice. A $1000 wideband....no, I'll pass. Sure, down the road when I can afford to go to an aftermarket PCM (FAST, Motec, or per DFI 7), I'd want to add a wideband option, but not for a stand-alone.


Building one is another option, of course, and one I may consider. I'll have to look into it more. I'm more than confident I could do it, but I'd like something I can nicely monitor real-time, all the time. I've heard the wideband sensors, running unleaded, are good for about 700 hours. That would last a long time as far as I'm concerned.....a couple years at LEAST.


I was just seeing if the Greddy was any good; obviously not worth the investment (though the gauge sure looks cool).

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Rob and Mark you are correct, Tony and I both have the TechEdge DIY OZ WB. You can purchase the units already assembled (me being an EE, knew that is the best way to do it...lol) :D


After working a few kinks out, the TechEdge WB has proven very accurate. Just a note, we don't "tune" off the LED display, we log runs with datalogging software, then make fuel changes based on the logs. Impossible to watch a digital display, the tach and remember where things were a bit lean or rich, etc... reviewing logs after a run absolutely rules... :D



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