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rotors won't come off


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i just got some new rotors for the corolla i was hitting a 9.5 on the richter scale when hitting my brakes on the freeway, andon the rotors tehre are two places you stick bolts in to pop the rotor off, well its so old and rusted that the threads are fucked.


mark prposed heating it up witha propane torch and breaking the rust bonds by the expansion, which i will try...


but just seeing if anyone had any otehr ideas?



btw i already tried beating the shit out of it with a mallet.

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Did you actually try the threads in the rotor hats or do they just look bad? It doesn't take much torque with one of those threaded screws to pop it loose. Find a bolt that threads in, hit the rusty threads with some WD-40, and try the holes. Unless the threads have actually been totally stripped from a previous removal, they will still be useful even with a thick coat of rust. If the threads are totally stripped, try one size bigger and see if it will thread. You would be surprised how much force one fine thread machine screw can produce, even if it's not perfectly threaded.


Heating will help, but chances are the propane torch won't get things nearly hot enough to make much of a difference. You have a lot of mass there that you are trying to heat, and it will dissipate the heat very quickly, so you really need something like an Acetalene torch to really get shit moving. Can't hurt the try the propane though if you already have one. Otherwise a BFH will solve your problem.

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