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Weekly meets in Dayton?


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we dayton folk don't like to stand around gawking at each others bike, instead we gawk at each other while riding.

something like "why sit around at a bike night or gathering when i could be riding during that time instead..."

thats what i learned from ninjanick at least

check the dayton area subforum for a ride coming up. we just did one last sunday that was a blast.

keep an eye out!

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i like to ride, on weekends. not enough time on a weeknight to hit any remarkable twisties so might as well hang out with some friends who are into bikes...

just my $.02


OP, come down to QS&L in milford on wednesdays, i go everyonce and a while, lots of bikes

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HAHAHA Well first of all... With my schedule... I wouldn't be a good coordinator for getting a meet together, unless it's mon-wed. I would try to make it to meets after work, if there were any.

As far as not wanting to go to any meets, that's a little gay. When you go to a meet with other motorcycle enthusiast, you talk to them and check out what they got and what they are doing to their bike. Kinda like on here, but in person.

The fun is riding to and from the meet. I've NEVER been to a car/bike meet where I didn't ride to and from there with a bunch of other people. Usually the ride after is the longer one and on a lot of back roads. The one to the meet is where we ride around the city trying to get everyone together.

If yall are that adamant about not going to meets, then whatever. I'd just like to hang out and ride with other people from this area.

There is a meet every Saturday night, but I have to wake up at 3:30AM on Sunday to get ready for work... So I never go.

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As far as not wanting to go to any meets, that's a little gay. When you go to a meet with other motorcycle enthusiast, you talk to them and check out what they got and what they are doing to their bike. Kinda like on here, but in person.

Not many enthusiast at Dayton bike nights. More like jokes in my opinion. Squid heaven. There's really nothing exciting to me about what others are doing to their bikes because it's all the same, pipe, sprockets, tails, wheels, nos, etc. Unless somebody shows up on a jet bike then I'll be excited to see what they got.

Just my $.02. I'm not flaming, just showing my opinion. The Lodge Bar bike night is the only one I'd ever show up to. Others just aren't my cup of tea. To each their own though. Enjoy what you like to do. :cool:

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Not many enthusiast at Dayton bike nights. More like jokes in my opinion. Squid heaven. There's really nothing exciting to me about what others are doing to their bikes because it's all the same, pipe, sprockets, tails, wheels, nos, etc. Unless somebody shows up on a jet bike then I'll be excited to see what they got.

Just my $.02. I'm not flaming, just showing my opinion. The Lodge Bar bike night is the only one I'd ever show up to. Others just aren't my cup of tea. To each their own though. Enjoy what you like to do. :cool:

So when you go to a meet, you are all business? You don't talk to people and talk about all kinds of stuff? You just talk about pipes, sprockets, tails, wheels, nos, etc?

When I go to meets, I talk to people about their vehicles and get to know them. It's more about hanging out with people that have the same hobby as I do and not about analyzing their bike to see if there is something I've never seen before.

I use to have BBQs at my house with a bunch of car guys... Just to get everyone together and shoot the shit. After we ate and hung out, we would go backroading. But to each his own.

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I get antsy that's why I don't do very well. Lodge bar bike night is cool to go to because everyone from this forum is there, but I can only stay so long. After a bit I'm ready for something new.

To go to bike nights, etc can be a lot of fun. You can ask some of the people on here that know me or have met me, but I'm pretty quiet so I just kinda sit around and take it all in and after a short time gotta find something new to do. So it's easier for me just to ride.

If someone organized something here, I'd go, but wouldn't be there very long.

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i go to bike nights because i like bikes. i like to look at them, and talk about them and meet like minded people.

i love riding. if it didnt take an hour to get to some nice twisties, then there would be a lot less standing around and a lot more riding. but in the city your choices are pretty limited.

if there was a regular meet in dayton, id probably roll out there a few times. its nice to get out of town and get a change of scenery.

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Yeah, I'd only like to hang with others I know than strangers. Like everyone here. So I'd do the BBQ thing too DangbruhY. We had laughs and shot the shit a lot Sunday. I'm not into hanging out with strangers on a random night. But the O.R crew or friends I already know...hell yeah! Even you DangbruhY. :werd:

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If anyone is interested, there is a bike night June 20 from 6-whenever at Frickers in Vandalia. I might go if the weather is nice. But if I roll up and there is a bunch of Harleys like I have a feeling there will be, I'll probably turn around and find somewhere to ride instead.

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Well lately I've been off Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm going to tell them that I need Sundays off. So maybe I'll get Sun, Mon, Tues instead? I usually work my other job on 1-2 of those days, but if I know something is going on, I won't schedule it.

Saturday, I get off work at 2PM. So if I can get a nap, I'll be good for later... Unless I have to work the next day.

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