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Originally posted by NTHER91:


I don't like you, "quote" sounds personel to me. Pot, kettle etc.

I would be more concerned with your own conduct than with riding the jock of others...
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Originally posted by o)(o:

I would be more concerned with your own conduct than with riding the jock of others...


threatening to ban someone when you have 35 posts . . . Smooth.

who the fuck are you anyway.

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yes my own conduct. graemlins/jerkit.gif I dont have the power to ban anyone i was tying to quote, but didnt do it right. At least chris got it. Also not riding anyones jock just think you should be fair and stick to YOUR own advise and rules about making it personel but thats my opinion but maybe i dont fit in in the CR dick-tator-ship


i havent managed to piss anyone off thats important have i ???

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Originally posted by NTHER91:

yes my own conduct. graemlins/jerkit.gif I dont have the power to ban anyone i was tying to quote, but didnt do it right. At least chris got it. Also not riding anyones jock just think you should be fair and stick to YOUR own advise and rules about making it personel but thats my opinion but maybe i dont fit in in the CR dick-tator-ship


i havent managed to piss anyone off thats important have i ???

Actually, it's not personal. I have my own business reservations why I don't like Hensler, but that is not up for discussion at this point. He has always treated me decent in person, but I do not like the way he conducts himself or his business. It's as simple as that.


The only person that I see making anything personal is you.

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Guest James C Hensler
Chris how did you come to that conclusion since you have never spent 1 cent here. Only time that you were ever out here was when the dyno was here. You made the statement " I dont like you" never said Hensler Racing. Well since you dont like me Stay Clear!
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Originally posted by James C Hensler:

Chris how did you come to that conclusion since you have never spent 1 cent here. Only time that you were ever out here was when the dyno was here. You made the statement " I dont like you" never said Hensler Racing. Well since you dont like me Stay Clear!

Like I said, my reservations are not up for debate at this point. But I have personally witnessed you do something that, as an automotive enthusiast, turned my stomach. Then the constant barrage of stories about you and your shop have solidified the fact that it wasn't a solitary incident.


If I were in your shoes, I would concern myself more with my business and keeping my customers happy then I would with internet message forums.

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Originally posted by (s)aint ZX:

If I were in your shoes, I would concern myself more with my business and keeping my customers happy then I would with internet message forums.

FIle this under: Best advice that won't be taken.
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