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African Cichlids

Guest busteryhyman

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Not sure, try Byerly’s in Grandview on 5th or Pet Land out in the strip mall in front of Lincoln Village (there are other ones). That's where I used to get mine from when I had a tank.


Also had friends who used to shop at Aquarium Adventure off of 161 near Sawmill. Been there a few times, never bought, but would possibly buy if I got another setup.


I think Jack’s will buy too, but fuck that place.


Those are the three places I would/wouldn't try if I were trying to sell fish.

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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

WTF is an African Cichlid?

The African cichlid

African cichlids are one of the most beautifully colored species of freshwater aquarium fish. Learn more about them.

One of the most colorful freshwater aquarium fish is the African cichlid. This beautifully patterned fish comes in an array of colors that are not typical to most freshwater fish.



The African cichlid is an aggressive fish which should not be kept with other species of fish. The book entitled "Tropical Fish - A Complete Pet Owner's Manual", published in 1982 by Grafe and Unzer gmbH, says mature cichlids guard their territory and can even behave hostilely towards other cichlids. The largest cichlid in the aquarium is usually the dominate one and will behave aggressively towards all of the other fish. The same book says the smallest cichlid in the aquarium is sometimes attacked and killed by the larger, more dominate fish. Newly introduced fish will often become victims of attack because no open territories are available. "Tropical Fish - A Complete Pet Owner's Manual" suggests providing places to hide such as rock formations and sturdy plants. Large shells also make great hiding places for smaller cichlids.



The website "Cichlid Research Home Page: Introducing the Cichlids" says the cichlid is a member of the Cichlidae family. It estimates there are more than thirteen hundred different varieties of cichlids in the world. In addition, cichlids purchased in pet stores, or from breeders, are grouped into categories of either "African" or "New World". The same article says the cichlid, whether African or New World, has specific care and feeding requirements. According to the website publication "Caring for Your African Cichlids", written and published by Ted Panasci, African cichlids available for purchase most often originate in East Africa in the lakes of the Rift Valley. Maintaining water temperatures and pH levels that are similar to the African cichlid's natural habitat is recommended. "Caring for Your African Cichlids" gives the following information on the necessary steps to achieve and maintain a natural habitat for the African cichlid.



Water pH levels need to be kept between the levels of 8.0 and 9.0. African cichlids in their natural habitat live in very hard water that is rich in minerals. If your water is not considered hard there are products available to increase the hardness level of your aquarium water. There are also chemicals available to help increase or decrease the pH level.



The aquarium water should be kept at a temperature ranging between seventy-six and eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit. The higher temperature range is recommended for growing fry and young African cichlids. A good quality aquarium heater will keep temperatures properly maintained and is a wise investment.



According to the website article "Feeding Your Fish Correctly", published in 2000 by PETsMART.com, African cichlids are considered herbivores. This means they consume a diet rich in vegetation. This article suggests feeding African cichlids a diet of staple flakes and algae disks. In addition, African cichlids should be fed supplements of peas, romaine lettuce, spinach, and zucchini which have been cut into small pieces. Also, pelleted food formulated especially for the needs of cichlids is available in most pet supply stores.



The African cichlid is a fascinating and beautiful fish to observe. They will amaze you with their social behavior and the degree of intelligence they possess. Following the recommended guidelines for maintaining their habitat will bring out the African cichlid's colors brilliantly. Cichlids are easy to care for, and they will bring a great deal of pleasure to the aquarium enthusiast.


Written by Kimberly Osburn

Copyright 2002 by PageWise, Inc



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I used to have a breeding pair of Fire Mouths that tended to get their groove on whenever I did a complete water change. Who knew clean water would get 'em horny as hell? I'd wait a coupla weeks til their young were about 1/2 - 1" then sell 'em to Jack's (off of Sawmill).


Man those fish were extremely territorial...


I'd give 'em feeder goldfish every once in a while and damn what a mess.

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