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Let's blow up the moon!


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thats fucked up. but think about it, its the cold war when two countries were standing nose to nose flexing their muscles and waiting to see who would flench first. doing something like that would have really made a statement, and mabey its not sounding like the best idea now but back then it was better than making kids practice hiding under their desks in case we were nuked first.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

Apparently, sceintists wanted to nuke the moon back in the 1950's, to see what would happen.

Nuke as in Destroy?

Catastrophic tidal waves, meteor showers of apocalyptic proportions, cataclysmic climate shifts, no more steady calendar, earth would spin off orbit and into the sun, dark nights.


Lobbing an old 1950's weapon of relatively low yield at the moon? Not much, a glass coated hole, and a circular smoothy spot, and radiation...like the moon doesn't have any of that. It would be a visible detonation, if done in the dark side of the waxing or waning moon, but the crater would not be visible or necessarily distinguishable from any other on the moon. Why? No air, A bombs are augmented by the forces of displaced and super heated air. If you don't have that, you have a seismic concussion, a flash of light and head, and short lived shock wave. The plume though, that would be something to behold. Its not at all impossible for debris to reach escape velocity.


Rockets weren't reliable enough though, not wortht he risk of it filing and falling back to earth.

Carl Segan, one of the great minds of our time, R.I.P.

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Guest FBody Addict
not to mention that large glassy spot being large in diameter would create a really shiny spot on the moon, as well as a bright spot on the earth wherever it happened to reflect the light, but we would probably not really notice the bright spot unless it created a parabolic shape just right
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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

not to mention that large glassy spot being large in diameter would create a really shiny spot on the moon, as well as a bright spot on the earth wherever it happened to reflect the light, but we would probably not really notice the bright spot unless it created a parabolic shape just right

It would probbly be less then a mile wide, and not smooth and even, so not with the nekkit eye. It'd be like a frozen lake
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That really wasn't a bad idea at the time and I don't see why it would be now. Who really cares if a bomb hits the moon. Rocks in space traveling at very very high speeds have hit and continue to hit the moon. Cosmic radiation far worse than the alpha, beta, and gamma rays that are produced by a bombs hit the moon all the time as well. Our earths magnetic field stops most of the bad radiation from hitting us.


We wouldn't want to destroy the moon though that would be bad for us.



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