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plumbing experience, drain problem


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So we bought a house on campus and the bathroom was rotten becuase the kids there prolly didnt use a shower curtain and the toilet had a wax ring seal older than me. so i tear out the bitch and gut the hole thing only to find an annoying little problem.


The drainage in the bathroom is this big cast central drain no connector pipes. the toilet, sink and shower drain all connect to this massive drain homoglation that doesnt look like its too easy to replace.


1. does anyone know what this drain thing is called.

2. can i just disconnect it from the main drainage/ventalation pipe and slap on some pvc so i can reroute all my drainage pipes to the new locations that i had planned?


house was built in 1918 its old the pipes are old and i need to move in tuesday. any help would be suuuuper.


Kyle G.

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Guest FBody Addict
i know how to plumb (not liscenced) but the earliest i could make it out is thursday, otherwise, come to gahanna hardware after 2 pm monday-wednesday and i can hook it up with the pvc for cheap
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all your drains are either going to be cast iron or copper. if you are very carefull you can saw off the cast iron and use a rubber boot connector thats made specifically for connecting iron to plastic any hardware store will have what you need. the other way to do it if you can find a hub connections is to heat it up with a torch and melt out all the lead then pull out the section of pipe you can by a plastic adapteer that you shove down in the hole and seal in. I'd come look at it but my car is in a million pieces right now.
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they make a rubber coupler that you cut the cast iron off and put this thing on and it will get the PVC started. Go to any plumbing store let them know what you need and they will show you where it's at.
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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

So we bought a house on campus and the bathroom was rotten becuase the kids there prolly didnt use a shower curtain and the toilet had a wax ring seal older than me. so i tear out the bitch and gut the hole thing only to find an annoying little problem.


The drainage in the bathroom is this big cast central drain no connector pipes. the toilet, sink and shower drain all connect to this massive drain homoglation that doesnt look like its too easy to replace.


1. does anyone know what this drain thing is called.

2. can i just disconnect it from the main drainage/ventalation pipe and slap on some pvc so i can reroute all my drainage pipes to the new locations that i had planned?


house was built in 1918 its old the pipes are old and i need to move in tuesday. any help would be suuuuper.


Kyle G.

Where's the house at Kyle? We ended up getting a place on Tompkins west of neil. I can give you a hand today if you need help. Give me a call (740) 971-4901.
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we're living up on 204 East oakland. Called roto-router and the guy came out and gave us a $2000 estimate, then when my friends (guys) walked away and he was just talking to my mom estimate jumped up to $4800, and he told her if he didnt fix it he would have to report our pipes to the city for code violation and we're gonna have to have it all inspected. (is this common practice ? sounds to me like someones trying to fuck us) glad to see people are still trying to pull off thier american dream by using scare tactics to rip off a 50yr old lady.


Rob - we're just painting right now so no need for help yet,(thanks for offering) but i'll let you know when the movin party is at, sos we can get our beverage consumption levels up to a good number.


Kyle G.

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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

Called roto-router and the guy came out and gave us a $2000 estimate, then when my friends (guys) walked away and he was just talking to my mom estimate jumped up to $4800, and he told her if he didnt fix it he would have to report our pipes to the city for code violation and we're gonna have to have it all inspected. (is this common practice ? sounds to me like someones trying to fuck us) glad to see people are still trying to pull off thier american dream by using scare tactics to rip off a 50yr old lady.

Bury that guy in your basement.


I'm not sure about the code thing, they can be odd sometimes, especially with old stuff that they no longer allow but was originally allowed. Like there might be a clause, which allows you to replace part of it to fix it because of the cost of replacing all of the pipes. Commonly if something is worked on in a system, the whole system has to be up to code when it's inspected. I'm sure they are exceptions to this depending on what city you are in though. I'd find the number for the city inspections office and call them. Columbus probably has a separate department for plumbing and the like, call them and ask them about it if you are really worried.


I wouldn't worry about that guy though.

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

if your doing a reapir in your home you don't need a lisence or a permit. kyle call me when your ready to do something with it and I'll come check it out for ya.



not true. Most of the time the city does not know about the repair so they have no way of enforcing it.
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man I do this shit for a living. a remodel or a renovation over a certain number of square feet requires a permit. replacing a busted pipe or a leaky toilet does not. if you are the home owner and you do the renovation yourself you arer required to pull a permit but do not need a lisence if you are a contractor then you need the permit and the lisence. make sense?
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Main electrical work requires a license.

Main gas line work requires a license.

Main plumming line work requires a license.


They also require a permit and inspection.


In the city of columbus.


My father owned a construction and remodeling company for 15 years and I worked in the same field for many years before becoming a Mortgage Broker where i do loans for remodeling companies. Just because you do that kind fo work does not mean you know what you are talking about. There are people I work with who have my work longer than me who come to me with questions.


Also I never said that you need a permit to replace a sinlge pipe or leaky toilet. I said that your comment of you don't need a permit or license to do work in your own house was false.

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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:


Rob - we're just painting right now so no need for help yet,(thanks for offering) but i'll let you know when the movin party is at, sos we can get our beverage consumption levels up to a good number.


Kyle G.



Where the hell is oakland?

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