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Pulp Fiction, Wide Screen, Now (11-03 7-10) on AMC

Trouble Maker

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Originally posted by a Car Enthusiast:

jesse i would be interested in going and seeing that, i have never seen pulp fiction, pm me if you want to go

Umm, I think he meant that it was on AMC, the cable channel. redface.gif If you haven't seen Pulp Fiction, it's a must. A pleasant change from the normal movie and in my Top 5 Favorite Flicks... graemlins/thumb.gif
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Yeah, what Wease said. It was on last night (11-03) from 7-10PM in Wide Screen. AMC is the American Movie Channel (WOW channel 36, Time Warner channel 54). Looks like they are doing a bunch of cool movies in widescreen this month, but I couldn't really find anything on their site about it. If I'm not watching Cartoon Network, it's one of the channels I'm likely on. :D


Adam, I've been thinking about making a post to go to see Saw, Ray, The Forgotten or Shaun Of The Dead (although I'll probably wait for this one on DVD now) if you'd like to go see any of those? I really want to go see all of those at some point.

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