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Highspeed internet through power company?


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According to my mother, the power company told her that we'd have high speed internet through the power outlets in our house within the next 2 months (2 months ago.) I've never even heard of highspeed internet through the powerlines/outlets whatever. The only type I knew of was through the phone line and the cable line, and satelite. Anybody have anymore info on this? There is no other broadband offered where we live, so if this power company thing is true, that'd be sweet. Any info?
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But if you read the article posted, a mile of power lines will require a $6,000 upgrade to install repeaters (plus future maintance costs).


Yes, that's fine and dandy for populated areas.....but as mentioned in the article as well, populated areas also have both cable and DSL to compete with, so there is a large competitve base.


Where electric can shine broadband wise is in rural areas. But there lies the same problem that has plagued DSL.....cost. In an area where houses are a mile apart, is a $6,000 investment worth it to provide just one home with service? Telephone companies don't think so (as they don't seem to be building CO's to accomadate this, though perhaps those are a more expensive venture).


I wonder what the true speed/reliability will be of the electric broadband will be. For those of us living in areas provided by other broadband means, this isn't really anything special to us at all. SBC is talking about going to straight fiber to homes.....THAT will be something we can all get excited about. The speed will embarass everything else out there.


Now here is another thing to think about. Let's say the electric compaines CAN make this work, work reliabily, and with good, constant speed. Why not run VOIP and digital television service over the lines as well.


Wouldn't it be nice for every electric outlet to triple as a phone outlet and a television outlet? Definately something to think about.

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