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Results of my Reckless Operation ticket


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A few months back, I got a ticket on SR-161 for speeding. The New Albany cop clocked me at 115 in a 65, but lost the reading (I think my jammer killed it). But he reaquired another reading of 96. After pulling me over and having an interesting conversation about fleeing and having a meaty car, I was cited for Reckless Op.


I went to court and pleaded "not guilty" since before, people normally go back to the trial and the prosecutor accepts a plea bargain. This time, it wasn't a Columbus prosecutor, it was one from New Albany even though the citation fell under the State of Ohio.


Anyways, the prosecutor called me the day before I left for Houston to tell me he was moving the court date from November 4th to November 5th. Since I had him on the phone, I tried to deal with him on the case. He basically said I've had 10 tickets in 7 years, so I was screwed. After some more ass-kissing, he agreed that he may lower the charge, but no way in hell would he drop it.


So, I show up today and have this cool ass judge, Anne Taylor (highly recommended if you go to traffic court). The NA prosecutor finally pulls me aside and proposes a regular speeding ticket, 2 points. This is much better than the Reckless Op (4 points) that insurance companies see as an at-fault accident so they can jack rates up.


The judge calls me up and asks if I accept the deal, which I do and plead guilty. But as she's reading the judgement, she mentions I'm getting a speeding ticket with 4 points attached. Why? Some new state law that increase the points assigned in proportion to how fast over the limit you are. So I object to this, as I was promised 2 points. The prosecutor is still standing there, so I ask him to amend the speed to something that will award 2 points. After some debating since no one in the courtroom (judge, him, all the lawyers) knew what the threshhold for the point levels were, he said screw it and assigned me 75 in a 65. I plead guilty and the total fine/fees were $220.


No biggie, better than the other alternative smile.gif

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Good to hear man, that's pretty cool.. Wanna be my lawyer for the ticket I have coming up on the 12th? smile.gif

Did you ever go for the 12 point or is this still that same one pushed back again?


Almost one year without a ticket, Parents were right, driving slow actually works, not that I would ever tell them that they were right ;)


Anthony- Got lucky on that one, good to see it wasnt worse.

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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

Anthony- Got lucky on that one, good to see it wasnt worse.
Glad you were able to work that out. Pretty lucky turn of events to get fined for 10 over when by all rights it should have been 60 over. How pissed was the cop?
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well thats good to hear. Actually a 4 point violation is a major violation and a acident is listed as a accident and they charge slightly differnt in Ohio a accidnet tends to charge slightly less a major violation but thats if you want to get techincal. smile.gif

Any way congrats on beating the system.

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i feel you pain man. i currently have six points from just this summer. I have a hard time not speeding. i have had to use my cruse control in the car and on the bike i'm just fucked. going 25 on a bike is like not moving at all.


I did get pulled over again on halloween going 85 in a 55 with no seat belt and he let me go with a warning.....lol omg i was freaking out i know there is no way he pulled my record he would have soo given me a ticket. I think i got off because a had a really cute slightly naughtly costume on. lol


girls rule

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Guest stealthy01ta
Man, you got lucky. I went to court 2 years ago over a speed and I got the judge Teresa Liston. The ticket was filled out incorrectly and the officer refused to show me my speed at the scene, I pled not guilty and the judge told me if I didn't plead guilty she would have the officer write me another ticket filled out correctly. I refused, they gave me another ticket and fined me. I thought it was total BS and ended up paying twice the cost of the ticket. Not only did it cost me a ton of money but it took all day.
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