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Hmmm, I don't know that agree with the way this guy thinks. While I am not a card carrying member of the Arian Brotherhood, or the Klu Klux Klan, and really don't share alot of their views. The idea that we should all be equal I can get behind. What I am getting at is if a white highschool senior file's for a scolarship from the United Negro College Fund, he's gonna get laughed at and told that he needs to be black to qualify then nothing is said. But if a black student files for any other scolarship and is told he needs to be white, the shit is gonna hit the fan fast. This is just one example, and I am sure that you all know of others. What I am getting at is this, that is not equal treatment, it is preferential of minorities, thing is the whites are quickly becoming the minority in this country, but even at the point that we hit the magic number and become the minority by count, we will still be viewed as the opressor and racist.


Now I realize that there are a few that have pushed for change that needed to be made. But things have gone a bit too far. Enough is enough already, and yes, I have the right to make these comments. True blood is through the mother, my mothers father's family I can take you to the grave of his great great great grandfather that found in the revolutionary war, and lying in the same cemetary is his grandson that fought for the Union (that's the north) in the Civil war. My grandmother is 50% Cherokee Indian, so I don't owe nobody a fucking thing. Nor do I feel that I am owed anything by anyone.


This guy needs to be taken out and hung from his own tree. But the other side of the coin needs to consider that it might do everyone alot of good to quit bitching and try to become part of society as a whole.


Now in considering his welfare comments and stance. Consider this, if your neighbor came to you, said that they had lost there job and ask for a few bucks to get food for his kids. You would hand em a 20 or a 50 and feel good about doing it. The next week that he did it, you would probably do the same thing again, but after 4 or 5 weeks of this you would tell him to go get a flippin job. But our tax money is taken from us, by law and given away to people that refuse to work. Now I am not saying that EVERYONE on goverment assistance can work, but for those that can, should be required to, if nothing else, let em clean state and federal buildings and pickup trash off the side of the road. And if they don't want to, fine, kick their asses off the G A.

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Guest slobird

It just proves that the election system is completely fucked up and that nobody cares, maybe its finally sinking in that this country was bought, put on layaway, and paid for a long time ago.


...Just another sign that this country is heading for collapse...


-The other Geoff

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actually did anybody here about the kid out west that was born in africa and came to america and applied for an african american award or some kind of scholarship and got denied cause he was white, i just kinda thought that was funny cause he is probably more african than most blacks here in the states
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That is part of what Iam talking about. African American, Asian American, Irish American, and whateverelse American. NO, HELL NO, AND HELL FUCKING NO!!!!!! WE ARE AMERICANS!!!! IF YOU WERE BORN HERE, YOU ARE AMREICAN. Thats' it, not something American, not part American, but 100% bonefide red blooded, Red, White and Blue waving American!! And if you don't like my stance on it. you are part of the fucking problem that we are having in this country. And as far as I am concerned, you can leave at any fucking time.


We hold these truth's to be self evident, that all you mutha fuckers are created E-fucking-qual.


No where does it say that the black, asian, irish, jew, white, christian, sinner, saint, or whatever group you belong to, by choice or otherwise shall receive special treatment. It says all men (and that includes women to) are equal. There was one man that ever walked this earth, if you choose to believe in him, and he died for your sins. He was black and white, jew, and christan, he was all things to all people, and to be honest, I don't know that I believe in him, but if he was real and was here, then he was a better man than any other.


That is what this country was founded on, in the belief of him, and the belief that we don't haev to believe in him if we don't want to. Or that we need to believe in anything that we choose not to.


But for some reason, the lawyers, the ACLU, the KKK, the Black Panthers, followers of Malcom X and too many other groups, organizations and cults to mention that have created unrest in this country. THEY have drawn the lines in the sand, THEY speak of equality, as long as their group gets what IT wants, which is the basis of racism.


You want to know what breeds it, 4 things, stupidty, greed, laziness and finally fear.


People will not open there minds to a bigger picture, they don't want to see the world as one group of people.


Greed, for taking a stand for the wrong reason. Jesse Jackson is a prime example, not to pick on the blacks, be he is NO friend of their's. He is about one person, and that's himself. He stirs up hate in the black community with his words, but does nothing to fix the problems. Ask yourself this, because it's a true display of conviction, do you believe that he would die for him principals. King did, he stood there when he was shot, he didn't say a word. He didn't beg for his life. He had that sort of conviction.

Jesse Jackson, well, maybe he would. I mentioned fear, this is part of hwat motivates him, fear of obsecurity, if tomorrow, there was no more hate between the black and white races, it all went away, you would never hear his name mentioned again. He would not be able to rally people, because they simply would refuse to listen, and the ones that listen to his words of hate, though well crafted and there true meaning well discized (sp) are what gives him power. Now if everything that he said, was 100% the truth. Then would have much bigger problems than we do.


Laziness, this is the single biggest reason of racism, and the one that sucks most in, coupled with stupidity. People being to lazy to find out the truth, getting it from the naysayers, the racists, and the ones that benifit from the idea of inequality. To lazy to find the truth, to draw their own conclusions, and too lazy to change things if they do see a problem, and instead just bitch about it, and spread more hate in the process.


We are all the same, we may have different colored skin, we may pray differently, on may not pray at all, but we ARE equal, and its' time that we acted as such, no more hate, and no more favors. Because a man that gets something from his color, religon or handycap, has been treated far more unfairly than being called a name based on the same reason he got a job or whatever.


By that I mean , as an example, if a black man is given a job, to fill a quota, becasue of some regulation, you have done worse than calling him the N word. The level of degration is much higher is this instance.If he's qualified then fine, but if not, you are slapping him in the face, and every other peoson of that specific race, creed, or handycap.

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