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Who is good with computers?


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Alright, I bought a Dell laptop a couple months back and its pissing me off. First off every couple times I turn it on the screen is fuzzy and I have to go to "Settings" and just change the screen resolution. What could be causing this?


Also, its just plain SLOW, I want to basically PURGE the system of all the unnecessary crap that I don't and will not ever use, so hopefully it'll run smoother and faster.


Another thing, do I have 2 HD's? Because I have 2 local drives, C & E. But every couple days it says E is full or needs cleaned out or something, WTF? And it looks like I have COPIES of all my files and programs for some reason.


Lastly, some of my programs are hidden in folders/subfolders and I can't see them on my Program Menu in the Startup Menu, why is this?


Oh, and how do I get wireless internet in my house? My laptop has it, my house doesn't.


Thanks guys.



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My number is 595-5536, any help would be appreciated. Finally someone who is local and Dell Certified or whatever, I hate how they don't have a store and I always have to call on them, that's bullshit.


Call me whenever, that's my cell.




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I'd help you too. Been using computers since 1984 starting with the Commodore 64, and I tend to have an ability to find almost any driver, and get almost any machine that's toast running again, barring hardware failure.
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Originally posted by Kuruma:

I'd help you too. Been using computers since 1984 starting with the Commodore 64, and I tend to have an ability to find almost any driver, and get almost any machine that's toast running again, barring hardware failure.

I have experience with 8080 CPUs. The Navy's Tomahawk system used them until 2002. Booting up the system, it read January 1st, 1974 :D


Tax dollars at work ;)

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hell ant, i didnt know you were that good with computers. i need a little help with mine. i haeve a dell 8200 that has a virus called Bloodhound virus and i have tried numerous times to get it off and nothing. you wanna try. PM me or whatever. or call me at 740-815-4516
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