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Plate ideas


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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:

My truck costs $45 per year to renew registration of my personalized plate. (As opposed to $4-5 normally)


I actually like some variation of the Z0* combination, like Z0 Sick, or ZEEOSIK. Of course, no Vette owner can't deny the appeal of NXT2SEX...I wonder if OPLATES.com would even allow it though. Anything even remotely obscene isn't acceptable according to their protocol :rolleyes: .

My mom tried to get EX CONN (we're originally from Connecticut) and they wouldn't allow that.
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here are a few i found








some i thought of off the top ofmy head


Z OH SIX (OH like ohio ;) )


if you are gonna blow it or juice it a sweet plate would be:


after you smoke someone, they wonder "damn is that thing blown/juiced?" they look at your plate:




some cool ones ive seen are





but my fav. is




Anything even remotely obscene isn't acceptable according to their protocol
i think if oplates.com denies it you can still submit it in person, and explain it and they may accept it.
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Guest No_Speed4_You

I get plenty of reaction from people :D .



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Guest boostedeco

Here is mine and its has deff fooled some people



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I knew it - fucking BMV. Last time I was there I got into some debate with some worker about the hypocrisy of the BMV allowing anything with "God" or "Jesus" to be permissable but nothing with sex, porn, drugs, or the devil.
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