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Episode III


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Opening day is my 27th birfday! smile.gif


I've enjoyed the last two, mostly because I could care less how "accurate" they would be to some StarWars-nerd. I think they are damn entertaining and pretty amazing with the use of CGI. I'll definitely check this one out at some point.

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

This is what I've been wanting to see, Anakin turn into Vader, should be cool. :D

Me too. The only thing I don't like is that from the reading it doesn't sound like we actually get to see him *AS* Vader...just wearing the suit toward the end which leads into Episode IV. I wanted to see him be a bad ass as the real Darth Vader. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Razorback:

Me too. The only thing I don't like is that from the reading it doesn't sound like we actually get to see him *AS* Vader...just wearing the suit toward the end which leads into Episode IV. I wanted to see him be a bad ass as the real Darth Vader. smile.gif

Darn it, this could easily be really cool, would be a shame if it's not. I didn't read the spoiler because I want to be suprised, just watched the trailer. I think you might be right; all the action shots from the trailer, none showed Vader fighting or anything. I might read that spoiler now after all.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

well in the spoiler if you read it it ref. that he did some bad ass shit when he finds out about a bit of bad news he did. So I think we do get to see him be evil there as vader.

I hope you're right! I can't imagine them doing all of this work just to show the suit at the end.
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I liked the second one. The first one could've been better, but they definitely had to do a lead-in with a lot of background info which made it a bit on the boring side, but atleast there was that awesome light sabre duel at the end w/ obi-wan and qui-gon vs. darth maul.
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George Lucas doesn't know how to do violence and evil.


He can't even make a "war" movie anymore that involves showing actual people getting hurt: He now has robots fighting clones (which GL doesn't consider people) so that "nobody was harmed in the making of this scene".


George Lucas not only has gone soft, but I have lost all faith that he can in fact even portray evil at all. He has shown he has no stomach for showing evil on a macro scale, warfare (look at his war scenes between the clones and robots, then look at his friend Spielberg's depiction, Saving Private Ryan). So I don't think he can show evil on a personal scale either. At best I think we're just going to get Anakin betraying Obiwan or some other limp wristed allegory of Anakin's "descent into darkness".


In other words- after their big duel (Anakin's and Obiwans) wherein Darth is forged, you won't get to see him being, well, evil. Oh you'll see him in the suit, he'll probably walk around abit, maybe deliver a few lines. But, think you're going to see him say one-handedly choke someone to death, ala the opening scene in StarWars? Think again. (Hell I'm pretty sure Lucas would have pulled that scene out of the re-release too if he could have figured a way to do it.)


So he's gone from the grittiness of his first movie wherein he shows the immoliated corpses of two innocent farmers, and has a protagonist who shoots first, is willing to blow away an entire planet... to where already by the third movie wherein we're given midgets in fur suits "almost" getting shot on camera... all the way to Episode II wherein there isn't a person on screen in harms way "taking one to the chest". Bleh. Might as well just go all the way and show us Carebears playing a spirited game of checkers for the fate of the galaxy.


I don't have high hopes at all for this movie.


Hope I'm wrong.

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