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OSU Getting Dragged Through The Mud...


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Half truths in that article. Smith was on a radio interview up in northern ohio today where he said that the boosters didn't seek the players out, the players would go to the Boosters when they needed money.
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When asked about receiving gifts from boosters he said " He was never approached. He did say the players who "reach" out to the boosters can usually get some "help". He did say it was up to the player to reach out. He also said that he believes the university NEVER come up with the goodies. Its the boosters. He stated that a coaches number one headache is the boosters. The coach doesnt even know whats going on in most situations.

I trust Smith. Probally more than anyone who has spoken on the subject. He has always went his own way. He did say that his first car was one he bought five months before the nfl draft. It lasted him two months before it broke down. A little differant than what we are reading about now.

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Please don't take what I posted to mean that I thought Robert Smith was dragging OSU's name through the mud. It was meant that ESPN and everyone else is interviewing anyone who ever looked at an OSU jersey and getting their take on the situation. It just doesn't look good for the University... :(
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Lets just hope we don't get pwned by a witch hunt so to speak. We could be looking at sanctions from the B-Ball program and the Football program. Is it just me or does ESPN just have some type of hard on for getting OSU??? Are any of these people credible?? Clarett, his mom, Maladon(sp), Cooper etc... they all been in trouble at one point or another. They are all just butt hurt that they didn't get their "PAYDAY" with the NFL.
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Originally posted by sgtschulze:

Lets just hope we don't get pwned by a witch hunt so to speak. We could be looking at sanctions from the B-Ball program and the Football program. Is it just me or does ESPN just have some type of hard on for getting OSU??? Are any of these people credible?? Clarett, his mom, Maladon(sp), Cooper etc... they all been in trouble at one point or another. They are all just butt hurt that they didn't get their "PAYDAY" with the NFL.

Well, they're the ones that took this Clarett thing and ran with it. If you've noticed, not many other networks are really giving it a lot of coverage. ESPN on the other hand has been highlighting it, so at this point they're REALLY digging to save face. They don't wanna look like they ran with some bullshit, which essentially they did. smile.gif I'm just surprised the ESPN up and ups allowed them to go with a story from a little lying punk like Clarett, and that's exactly what he is.
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From Robert Smith in ESPN interview:

"I think that if players are looking for that kind of thing they can find it," he said. "You know what I mean? Some more than others. I really think, though, I had the kind of image at Ohio State where I may have been the whistle blower type."

Hmmm, anyone else find the irony here?
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I am a diehard Michigan fan and can feel OSU fans pain.Can you say Fab Five?I think Clarret is just trying to get in the spotlight again and get back at OSU for making him look like an idiot.I also think EVERY college "helps" out star players so I wish everyone would just move on or the NCAA would stop it at ALL schools.People were talking about OSU losing it's National Championship because of this but from what I understand it cannot be taken away because it is the BCS not the NCAA that gave it to them.I wish we would have been that lucky with our Final Four appearances.It is weird to see no pictures of the Fab Five at Crisler Arena as they had to take them all down and officially forfeit all the games they played in.Good luck OSU fans and GO BLUE!
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<<---- Also a diehard MIch fan but you cant take away a undefeated season. They won the games, not because of some job he didnt have or the escalade that he drove. The reason they ran with it is cuz of the championship season, yes every colledge does it but they got caught or ratted out. Besides osu needs something in the news cuz they arnt winning, bad publicity is still publicity
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Michigan had to forfeit every game the Fab Five played in and take the banners down at Crisler Arena because of the money they took so anything is possible.I say what you just said though players know who won those games regardless of what happened off the court.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by 99BlownYellowGT:

Didnt Robert Smith quit OSU one year because was a whining crybaby.

Why don't you ask his brother, since he's a moderator on this board?


Maybe he left early because he was picked first round in the 93 draft.

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