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Layout Question


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Ok, so you know when you are reading a thread and for some reason its really long and doesn't fit on the whole page? Is there any way to fix this so that you don't have to use the scroll thingy to move the page back and forth? So the entire thread width fits on the screen? Any response would be good because I hate this and am really retarded with computers, I mean I can't even get AIM to work. Help!
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i think your talking about your screen resoution being big. go to your desktop and right click. then go down to properties. after that go to settings. on the settings section go down to screen resolution and mess with that. your screen with go blank for a second and then come up with a diff. the higher the number the smaller it gets. you'll have to mess with it until you find the resolution you like. mine is at 1792 x 1344. doubt yours will go that high though.
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well depending on the size of the thread you may have to scroll. but the things you can change on your system is the text size in internet explorer ( go to veiw and then text size and change it to your liking) also you can increase your screen resolution (right click on the desktop an left click on propites. go to the setting tab and change it there. the higher the number the small everything will get allowing more to show on the screen)
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