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Shower screw owns me


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I'm trying to remove our shower water knob and hte screw is, of course, stripped and deteriorated from water (calcium erosion, rust, etc).


So I've tried now 2 different stripped-screw removers and its still taunting me. I can't really drill it out because of the way the glass knob is around the bolt and the angle of the unit.


Been seeing these Craftsman Stripped Screw, Bolt, and Nut removers that Bob Villa's been pimping on TV and was thinking of giving them a try next. Anyone had any luck with them?


If not - any ideas on getting this frigging screw out?



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I have had limited success with the "screw out". If the screw is made of soft metal, the screw out will not work well.Unfortunately, most extractors only work when a hole is drilled first.


That is why I bought a impact driver. When I encounter any rusty screw, I give it a whack with the impact driver before I strip it out with a screw driver.

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Thanks for all the input. I'm going to pick up the craftsman remover after work and give it a try. I also found a joint that should allow me to get my drill in there to drill it out if that fails, as I'm afraid Rotarded is right, its really soft, probably why the first two removers I tried got owned.


I beleive the knob is glass and not plastic - I say that having tested it with an exacto knife and was unable to score it (thats my poorboy glass test). I want to keep the fixtures, I'm taking the knob off to clean around the base and also reapply a graphic there on the chrome behind it.

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If you try those craftsman extractors, and they dont work, you will be left with absolutely no edges to work with. It will just chew the livin shit out of the screw head, so make sure you try some other options first.


I have had more unsuccessful results with those extractors than good. :(


I agree with a combination of two previous posts:

Hose it down with PB blaster, and let it sit for a while. Hose it down again, and use an impact driver with the right size head.

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