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More winter weather ignorance...


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So I'm walking out the door this morning, it had been sleeting pretty hard for about 10 minutes (before any snow had fallen) so there was a nice slick coating on the streets. I go to get into my truck when I spot this Explorer huffing ass down my street. He sees that he needs to turn left onto the street in front of my house (I live on a T) at the last second, and like a stoned hockey player he tries to bank his undersized land-cow hard-left onto the street. Well, as you may have guessed, that failed miserably and the shmuck slammed his "truck" sideways into the curb and up into my neighbors yard.


I chuckle at the sight, and seeing only his turd as the damaged party, I stroll over to make sure he didn't have a stroke.


Here is our conversation:


Me - "Hey man, are you alright?"


Him - "Yea man, I'm straight. I don't know why that happened, I was using my 4WD!"


Me - Blank stare...


Me - "Right" as I shake my head and walk away.


I hopped in my truck and took off; hoping that next time, there is a river or lake there instead of an innocent curb. I’ll bet his wheel bearings, at almost $300 each, loved today’s journey!

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Guest jpurdy2003

Snapple Real Fact #589567856762357863478:


AWD might help you accelerate in the snow, but you're just as fucked as the rest of us in the braking department.


As an auto parts store employee, this weather is very good for us.

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