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A way to magnify the strength on a router


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Is there a way to magnify the strength on a wireless router? I have a Netgear router and I want it to go to my garage. I can get about 5 feet from it but as soon as I step in side, it dies.


I would move the router closer, but I'd rather not. It's on the opposite corner of where my garage is (detached too). Can I modify something on it? I've changed the antenna on it in several positions and I've gotten it the best I can.


Anyone? Can I get like a coat hanger or something? smile.gif .

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You can build a directional antenna for it, then use a bridge with a directional antenna on the garage and put a small access point on the bridge in the garage..


Do a google search for building directional antennae, its fairly easy and cheap.

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do a search for can-tenna ask the dude with the merlin in his sig since i cant remember his screenname rightnow cause im an ass. Cheap and powerful.


The higher db the antennae the better you signal will reach but remember your card must be able to talk back to the router

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