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Recent Tsunami pics..


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Originally posted by The DropTop:

I don't understand how it could have killed 20,000 people. It looks like it did some serious damage along the shore line.

Consider that they basically had no idea that it was coming to begin with. You have to imagine sitting in your house and everything is normal one minute and 15 seconds later the house is full of water from floor to ceiling. Those that are outside get hit by the wall of water, and swept into soild objects, pinned to them by the force of the water, submerged underneath it. All the while anything not fastened down is being swept into you that you are in the path of.


Alot of them drown, but I bet many of them were crushed by cars, motorcycles, pieces of house or barn, water is a powerful thing, tornado's and even hurricanes pale in compairson to the distructive power that water has. Large tidal waves can tear down buildings, move ANYTHING not securily fastened down, and drag it out to sea as the water reciedes. As bad as this was, it was only 10 or so feet.

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Guest stvbreal
If they would stop having so many babies then maybe there wouldn't be so many starving and dead people there. One guy was interviewed on CNN and said her feared for his 8 childrens lives. 8 children? No wonder third world countries are going to hell. Instead of sending them food send them birth control.
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