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The Main Difference Between Europe and USA

Guest Crankshaft

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Eating habits are different also life style is different. Their cities are setup diferently. They're mostly within walking distance from shops and stuff that you do everyday that requires a car to get to. If I can walk down the street for everyday needs, entertainment and food then I'd probably be in better shape then I am now.
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Guys, my wife's dutch. We go there twice a year to visit her family. Every year. Been going for the past 7 years without miss.


Trust me. There are damn near as many fat-ass Europeans as Americans.


However they are fanatically desperate not to believe so.


[ 29. December 2004, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Mowgli:

Guys, my wife's dutch. We go there twice a year to visit her family. Every year. Been going for the past 7 years without miss.


Trust me. There are damn near as many fat-ass Europeans as Americans.


However they are fanatically desperate not to believe so.

<font color ="midnightblue"> That's hot :D How'd you meet?


And we must have had very different experiences over there, because when I went, I vaguely recall seeing one or two fat people, but nothing like what you're describing (of course, I was there for two months, and in the summer, so I might have missed out on quite a bit. Who knows).


All I know is Croatian chicks = graemlins/thumb.gif

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