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Buyer Beware - Updated 5/28

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Update 5-28-2005!


The $50 she sent me via paypal a while back was disputed by HER, claiming fraud. Funny how in the note to recipient she says it was for a website she made, and in 2 emails she talks about the money from the site, and how it will be sent to me.


Filed with the court a couple weeks ago, now have a court date set. smile.gif

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Assured Risk:

She is selling a Talon on there, I asked if it was real or fake, she seemed to get upset. smile.gif



Good luck in court!

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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

has she been blocked off of CR? If not, maybe you guys should put a block on her posting in the market place... just so that no one else even has a chance of getting screwed.

Pointless; there are enough eyes watching that to the point she would be flamed in about 10 minutes following the post.
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Who has met Kim face to face or had any other decent contact, like different message boards, emails, etc. Can you please PM me?


I will use your message in court, don't want her to claim that it wasnt her.


Please include-

Your name

The reason you met (what you were selling or buying)

Where you met

The person you met (Height, build, etc, and what name she used, what car she used if you remember)





Anthony, please check your PM messages.

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