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Harry Potter = Tonight

The Man of Steele

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Originally posted by I like pain killers:

I think I actually like to push the children out of my way better ...



This reminds me of some morbid question I saw (floating around the internet, I think) that went something like: "Seriously, how many five-year-olds do you think you could beat up at one time?"

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You people who will be at Barnes and Noble tonight are losers why cant you just get your book later when you dont have to stand 2 hours in line to get a stupid book? I work at Barnes and Noble Polaris and spent all day preparing for this retarded shit called Harry Potter, there were people there at 5 when I left work what the gay? People are lame.
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Originally posted by busted ass srt-4:

You people who will be at Barnes and Noble tonight are losers why cant you just get your book later when you dont have to stand 2 hours in line to get a stupid book? I work at Barnes and Noble Polaris and spent all day preparing for this retarded shit called Harry Potter, there were people there at 5 when I left work what the gay? People are lame.

People will go out and do whatever for something they enjoy. I happen to enjoy reading, so standing in line for a book i've been anticipating for a while for 10 minutes, yes, it was only a 10 minute wait as opposed to oh say, star wars? Had lines for hours? I know PLENTY of people your friends included who did that. Not to mention people do the same for CD's, Concerts, whatever their specific likes are. So get off your damn high horse woman, and oh yeah by the way how's the car?



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