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Friday night april 8th. Clubbers, party people, please read.


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I am goin to go the passes on friday night and I will be out sat. night to hand them oout. Also, I will be out early on the 8th to pass any remainders out.

As for the VIP room, it will open to everyone. It is all the way in the back of the club and upstairs. There is a small bar there and that is where I will be chillen most of the night. Again guys, thanks abunch...

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i'll be parking my ass at columbus state and walking. i'll most likely be there. free passes would be nice, but no biggy. i'm always down for taking shit back from the ghetto.


fyi: i'll be wearing overalls, flannel shirt, cowboots and hat... and i'll pull up out front with the ford. hehehe. who's taking me to the hospital?

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Originally posted by The Vette:

On Friday, april 8th there will be a foam party at club Fahrenhiet.

Damn, at LEAST spell your own club's name right. smile.gif


I can't go, but my wife wants to go with a couple of her friends. So, let me ask you this, honestly. Is this a place where you would trust your wife and 2 of her friends to go without you being there? And by trust, I don't mean me trusting her, I mean how the crowd treats 3-4 semi-hot to hot women. smile.gif

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umm is this the old Chrome? cause ill get a few ppl from work to come im sure and we will prolly park at Cbus State too! Go Cougars!! lol


Sam Ill IM you on AIM sometime soon for more details

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I hope you get that place cleaned up its on CPD'S shit list for target enforcement in the area. We have more calls to that bar for fights and for people being asses. Does the bar have special duty?

Good luck I hope all works out for you and your club.

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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

I hope you get that place cleaned up its on CPD'S shit list for target enforcement in the area. We have more calls to that bar for fights and for people being asses. Does the bar have special duty?

Good luck I hope all works out for you and your club.

So does this mean I can look forward to my very first bar fight? :D
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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

I hope you get that place cleaned up its on CPD'S shit list for target enforcement in the area. We have more calls to that bar for fights and for people being asses. Does the bar have special duty?

Good luck I hope all works out for you and your club.

They have cops there and I have been there the last 5 weeks and not a single problem from there.. So I think you dont have to worry about fights..
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