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rant I hate women rant

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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by Crocostimpy:

My advice, If she has a sister, do her.. Do all her friends too. graemlins/leghump.gif:D

No, her mom!!! Where's that vid...
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Ok, not gonna read all the replies, but Imma put my $.02 in.

First off, she fucking cheated on you and SHE broke up with you? thats fucked up. I'm thinking that her crying was an act, and she just wanted you gone. She already had another dude lined up. Don't fucking about ANYTHING she says to you from now on. She seems like a fucking peice of shit. I know what it's like to lose your first love. It sucks.

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Yeah, I had the same happen to me but I walked in on her cheating on me so that was a different story, the dude got the most savage beating of his life, I'll tell ya that much! But fuck her dude, there are better ones out there. Losing your first true love is rough because I went through it and I am still not myself in side but trust me, time heals all and just go out and have fun now bro.
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Guest RJ1074

dont worry, there are plenty of hotter/better girls out there!!!! seriously, i cant believe she slept with other guys and you still considered taking her back!?!!


what a fucking bitch.


i can understand how you feel extremely hurt, especially since she was your first and you were together so long... its hard to trust anyone these days.


what goes around comes around, hopefully she will fall madly in love with someone, then one day he will cheat on her!! SWEET SWEET REVENGE!

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Originally posted by DSM614:

your a juggalo man, let's just go to one clown concert and it will all be over, you'll forget all about it...


whut up ninja!

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Originally posted by Eastside Juggalo:

I just wish this shit would have happened earlier in 'the game' or whatever the fuck she viewed it as..

You should be thankful that you weren't further in the "game" or whatever the fuck she viewed it as.


I feel bad for you, because I have never been cheated on or broken up with. Fuck her man, just let it slide, it'll be easier once you get to hanging around other girls. Things will move on with time, just let it play out.


Keep your head up man.

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Guest ronald-reagan

yeah, if you find yourself in doubt heres a list of things to do...all of them can be done regardless of the weather:


2)sleep with people close to her

3)make your car faster

4)ignore her (while still maintaining the above 3)

5)drink more

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Some of you guys should NEVER give advice ever.



Telling someone to drink their problems away is not the way to deal with something. Get out of the house take rides in your car, chill with old friends. Don't let alcohol or drugs "cure" you.

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I'll just say that women, especially young ones like to think of it as a damn game. Kinda sucks, but I agree sounds like she'll end up on Jerey Springer with like 10 screaming kids and 3 ass holes fighting over none of them being theres.
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Guest FuelforFire



Listen buddy, we've ALL had our own bad luck with girls. It seems like you have it the worst, for now. I have SEVERE depression so I know what it's like to be down in the dumps man. It's goign to take a while...a long while, and even then, the memory will remain. Soon you'll realize that you were a fool in love. Love can cloud judgement to the mind, and alter your choices. Some good, some bad. This happening to you will only make you a better man...believe it or not. Even now I'm sitting here thinking about how hurt I was when I got dumped....all 9 times....the pain...the sorrow...the misery....these feelings will sit on your shoulder for weeks untill the can be burried in your soul. I've always had a saying that goes: "The only way to get over somebody is to hate them" By god I swear it's near true. But, think of this...You now have much more experience and wisdom to search for new girls. By her dumping you, you can eliminate what you do and don't like.


Beggars can't be choosers, but choosers can be beggars.



Advice: Stay active. Do not find yourself sitting down with nothing to do. Invite friends over, go to parties. Always have somethign to keep you busy and occupied. If you don't, you'll be stuck thinking about what happened that day. ~Get your anger out!! If you store it up, you won't be the person you'd want others to see you as. Go someplace and just scream as loud as you can. Play football and be as rough as you can. Exercise your body till you can't move an inch. Purify yourself.



I can play back every breakup I've had in my head like a VHS tape


It won't go away....

What will happen, is your ability to learn how to cope with it. You become more experienced with dating and all relationships.

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Guest stevil
Wow man, that sucks. But good to find out now and get rid of her, before possible marriage or some shit and she continued to cheat. Try to keep things in a positive perspective, and enjoy being out of a relationship for awhile.
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Once again.. I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to respond. It means alot to me, I guess to bring this to a end, she blocked my phone number and has been out drinking and driving like a retard and according to her friends, she's finaly "free" and I talked to her one last time just to say goodbye and what not and she thought it was the funniest thing to kick me when I was down. She keeps saying her new boyfriend is going to beat the shit out of me and stuff and all that shit. But that really ended it, she blocked my number, I've tried calling with other peoples cells and whatever just to figure out what I did wrong and she just tells me to fuck off and blocks that number. It's been pretty shitty, I'm just going to have to find a way to move on. June 26th is gonna be hard, that would have been our four year anniversary, but fuck it. Thanks once again. I hope this is as bad as bad can get...
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Guest JoesGirlfriend
Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

If my g/f did that, her ass would be kicked to the curb so fast her head would be trying to play catch up. [/QB]

Thanks Joe, love you too!


I agree, once a cheater, always a cheater, fortunately, I have never had to deal with a cheater, but this girl insults the entire female community.


Sorry to hear about your luck man, but at least things cant get worse, right?

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Originally posted by Eastside Juggalo:

Once again.. I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to respond. It means alot to me, I guess to bring this to a end, she blocked my phone number and has been out drinking and driving like a retard and according to her friends, she's finaly "free" and I talked to her one last time just to say goodbye and what not and she thought it was the funniest thing to kick me when I was down. She keeps saying her new boyfriend is going to beat the shit out of me and stuff and all that shit. But that really ended it, she blocked my number, I've tried calling with other peoples cells and whatever just to figure out what I did wrong and she just tells me to fuck off and blocks that number. It's been pretty shitty, I'm just going to have to find a way to move on. June 26th is gonna be hard, that would have been our four year anniversary, but fuck it. Thanks once again. I hope this is as bad as bad can get...

you will have your revenge when her new man whips her ass or cheats on her ow whatever. She will come crawling back and that is when you tell her to go to hell.
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