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To the married guys...

Guest FuelforFire

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Guest FuelforFire

Hey, I'm sorry to ask about this, but after reading the rant about the cheating bitch, and made me think of an age old question I've always had...


To the married guys/long term relationship guys ( will prolly get married )


Question: Did it ever feel, at any time, that you would not get married? Not by choice, but after you got dumped or something, or after highschool or college, did you ever get that feeling? That you would just live on through life as one?

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Guest mudbutt
Im sure everyone feels that way. I was single for like 5+ years until I met my current girlfriend(fiance). Dont be discouraged. Have fun and take everything at face value. The 1st girl that comes along has a good chance of not being "the one" You will know when it happens, just dont push it, otherwise you will waste a lot of time on just hurting yourself. If you feel that you are not equil in the relationship, you arent. You deserve any girl that is with you and therefore should not have to put up with bullshit drama. When you feel like you are an equil in the relationship, it may have some potential.....Another thing, NO ONE is perfect. Dont let anyones past mistakes or decisions blur how you feel about them. What they do when they are with you is all that matters.
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Yes, after my last one my thought was...


o0(I'm done with relationships for a while. I give up.)


But then Erica found me. It took a minute before I let myself do the relationship thing with her though. We were pertty much friends with benefits for a while. She was paitient with me so I apriciated that.

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Originally posted by Where The Wild Things Are:

Question: Did it ever feel, at any time, that you would not get married? Not by choice, but after you got dumped or something, or after highschool or college, did you ever get that feeling? That you would just live on through life as one?

Yeah, right before i turned 21 the longest relationship other than my wife ended (9 months) i was pissed because she cheated on me with a 30 year old cross eyed piece of shit that i could rip in half without thinking. After about a wek of being bummed and drinking heavily, and feeling how you described.

I decided to just have fun with chicks, date around, have fun. it was great for about 9 months, but got kinda empty just brining them back from parties and booting them out when i was done. But i never LOOKED for a relationship at that time, the one i have i just kinda fell into. IMO the best relationships happen when you don't try to make it happen.

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yeah...thats the way i'm feelin right now. after my wife and mother of my 2 kids decided she wanted to run off and lead some cowboy lifestyle,and myself and 2 kids didn't fit into it.then i was pretty well crushed. i thought about goin out,but it's kinda hard to do being a single dad.now i don't think i want anything to do with dating.
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I had a g/f for 4 years when we broke it off. She dragged me through the mud for about an year and I finally cut it off. After that I didn't want anything to do with girls. Some time after I ran into my wife and couldn't be happier. Just know what you are looking for and she will come around.
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"You're not perfect sport. And let me save you the suspense; this girl you met - she isn't perfect either. The question is whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal, that's what intimacy is all about." Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting.


That and what Joel said have to be two of the truest relationship statements ever.

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Guest lustful
good read... i would have to agree with what joel said.. never had the experience of such, but i have watched others have that "magic"...bastards i am envious.
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Guest xxxyyyzzz

No guy plans on getting married. It's like you wake up on one knee with a ring in your hand and a girl in front of you, and you hand it to her thinking "she must have dropped this, my ghetto ass ain't buying no damn jewelry!"


Next thing you know you're holding her purse while she tries on a new flannel nightgown...


Okay, so it's not that bad but still... Every guy I've ever known figured they wouldn't get married, or they would, just not until they were like fifty and rich enough to pick up some nineteen year old gold digger with implants.


My $.02...

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