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Kerry = hypocrite?? NO, can't be...


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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

every polotician ever has a laundry list of contradictions.


No newsflash tag for this one.

Ah, yes. Newsflash tags are reserved for Conservative or Republican politicians with contradictions. ;)


We can give Kerry a pass because he has "good intentions". tongue.gif


The man has lousy taste in cars and bikes, btw. I think that it's more scandalous that he sold his Ducati to buy a Harley because of political reasons. That's really slimy to sell off a fine bike like that for a rolling oil leak just because you think you will get more votes. Boooo.


Whatever happened to that guy who ran for President and showed up everywhere in his Viper? I can't remember his name, but he owned some kind of wheel company.

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Originally posted by Tire Killer:

Whatever happened to that guy who ran for President and showed up everywhere in his Viper? I can't remember his name, but he owned some kind of wheel company.

You're not thinking of Darryl Issa, are you? I know you're not...
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When I go to vote this year, I hope there is a box to check that says, "Non of the above." This would definitely be the correct answer. I should run for president. Hehehe... I can see it now. All half Jewish people will no longer be able to say they are Jewish. Same rule applies for people who are half black. Congress will also be known as ColumbusRacing. Permits will be made for street racers. Only cars bearing these permits will be allowed on roadways after midnight. The EPA will go away. Tree huggers will be shot for treason. We'll bring back leaded paint and gasoline. The lowest octane fuel you'll be able to buy is 104. There will be nitrous refill stations at every gas station. If your car runs faster then a 12 second quarter mile, you'll get a tax cut. Riced out imports will be departed back to their original country. Jackasses that tool around in beat up CRXs and like to have their friends beat their asses will find out how it feels to really get the shit beaten out of them. Ricer fly bys will be punishable by death. Pot will become every state's flower. The whole, "In God We Trust" thing will become "In God, Racing, and Pot We Trust". People under the age of 18 will no longer be able to speak unless spoken to. The legal drinking age will be 18. We will have no foreign policy. Other countries' problems are their own problems. Not ours. When was the last time you saw a middle Eastern country sending food to the poor people in the US? Yeah, that's what I thought. Hybrid cars will be outlawed. People, the "ozone" is a theory just like gravity. No one has proven it. So, I'm not worrying about it until it is proven. No more of this, "oh, we're here to help you" bullshit. We will be up front and honest with the middle east: "we're here to take your oil and there is nothing you can do about it bitches". Oil companies will have free reign with the oil, but a price cap will be set of $0.25 per gallon. It only costs them like $0.10 per gallon to make the shit, so this is fair. As president, I will not take a salary. No one else working for the government will get paid either. Housing, food, etc will be taken care of, but no salary. If I, or anyone else in government wants money, we can get real jobs like everyone else. Okay, I have to leave. I'll expand upon this more later.........



TO BE CONTINUED.......................

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Originally posted by One bourbon, one scotch, one beer:

We will have no foreign policy. Other countries' problems are their own problems. Not ours. When was the last time you saw a middle Eastern country sending food to the poor people in the US?

amen brother. preach on
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by copperhead:



Apparently Senator Kerry is all about hybrid cars that are more fuel efficient, going so far as to fuse that into his campaign. What he fails to mention is his love for SUV's that get shit for gas milage....

A politician contradicted himself? Unpossible!


All this "Kerry is a liar" or "Bush is a liar" internet dickbeating has got to stop. Can you find any living politician who does not have some record of deception? I don't think so. If you won't vote for a politician who is dishonest, I seriously doubt you'll ever find a candidate acceptable to you. Bush is a liar. Kerry is a liar. Any other politician is a liar.


If you're going to try to spew right-wing or left-wing propaganda (this goes for any of you), at least make sure it's something that's specific to one candidate, and make sure it's not something that we've seen proof of a million times. The fact that all politicians lie is as well known as the fact that the Earth is round.

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I heard Kerry hates street racers, track racers, and anybody who likes cars, he's going to lower the speed limit, impose that you can only drive in certain hours, have tires no bigger then 5" wide

and limit horsepower ratings to under 70 bhp


now Bush wants you to buy oil so he encorages racing, no epa laws and supports fast cars.


so vote Bush in 04

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Originally posted by smokinHawk:

I heard Kerry hates street racers, track racers, and anybody who likes cars, he's going to lower the speed limit, impose that you can only drive in certain hours, have tires no bigger then 5" wide

and limit horsepower ratings to under 70 bhp


now Bush wants you to buy oil so he encorages racing, no epa laws and supports fast cars.


so vote Bush in 04

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I totally agree that all politicians area liars. I don't trust any of them very far. I vote for Bush since he is the least harmful to me personally. He probably does try to help business out as much as he can. I want him to. healthy businesses hire employees. If you don't believe that look at that hugh fake internet bubble. Alot of IT people in this state had jobs that were bullshit, but paid a little to much. I know I had several during that time. He is also the most likely person to fight E-Check and other enviromental bullshit laws that prohibit us from enjoying life. I for one have alot to lose everytime an enviromental protection law passes.

I'll definatly be voting for Bush.



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if you think an honest upfront person will ever be elected you must not know what is going on, the type of politicians we have today comes from the type of people we want, if we wanted a truthful person in politics we would elect them into it, when you can't over look your own personal agendas you will always vote for someone who policies benefit your way of life
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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Tractor:

He probably does try to help business out as much as he can. I want him to. healthy businesses hire employees.



You can only be anti-big business and anti-corporation for so long before people lose their jobs! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! I never quite understood the liberal thinking of how making businesses suffer could possibly not result in hurting the economy...
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