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la is a word. I checked it before I put it down.



Yeah....It's French for "The". What English usage you comin' up with???

that's my lil sister's name


Musty is your little sister's name?!? ;)


Old enough then!! :D

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moist (i hate saying that word) You mean like how I make your panties?!? kiss.gif

That's 2 letters at once newby ;) Does anyone pay attention besides me?!? pokeit.gif

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Main Entry: 1la audio.gif audio.gif Pronunciation: \ˈlȯ, ˈlä\ Function: interjection Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect), from Old English Date: before 12th century chiefly dialect —used for emphasis or expressing surprise

and we're at dusk, not moss..lol

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That's 2 letters at once newby ;) Does anyone pay attention besides me?!? pokeit.gif

I saw it. but it wasn't used in the next set, so I ignored it.

Old enough then!! :D

Yep and I'm single...haha

I'll stop beatin up on ya magley. I don't like people talkin about my sister, I shouldn't do it.


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not a problem dustin, shes engaged...

anonymous sister hit-on's are fine by me... I do it to my friend jay all the time (but then again i actually know his sister)...



Well then I'll go after her friends! lol

and umm Whodey...we've had some issues but i think we're where we're suppposed to be with words...


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Main Entry: 1la audio.gif audio.gif Pronunciation: \ˈlȯ, ˈlä\ Function: interjection Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect), from Old English Date: before 12th century chiefly dialect —used for emphasis or expressing surprise

And what was your source for this Duane? This is what I'm finding........

1) a la. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

...In the style or manner of: a poem a la Ogden Nash. French, short for a la mode de, in the manner of....

2) a la mode. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

...1. According to the prevailing style or fashion. 2. Served with ice cream: apple pie a la mode. French : a, in + la, the + mode, fashion....

3) a la carte. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

...ADVERB & With a separate price for each item on the menu. French : a, by + la, the + carte, menu....

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Main Entry: 2la

Pronunciation: \ˈlä\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, from the syllable sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist

Date: 14th century

: the sixth tone of the diatonic scale in solmization

Think "Sound of Music" do re me fa so la ti



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This beautiful but very poisonous plant grows in moisty meadow-lands and woods; it will disappear when the ground is too dry.

It's also in webster's unabridged, and listed in american heritage..

When I type in "moisty" in American Heritage, this is all that comes up...under "musty". There is no entry on there for "moisty"........

1) musty. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

...dull. b. Out of date; antiquated. c. Out of use or practice; rusty. Alteration of obsolete moisty, from moist.musti·ly -ADVERBmusti·ness -NOUN...

I guess I'll give you the Webster's Unabridged......'Cause at this time I'm not payin' $25 for it or wasting my time for the "free trial"

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