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Super Pissed Rant


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So most of yoiu know i have a "new" car now 1990 awd talon that i bought off a friend. i was garunteed after asking repetedly that all it needed was a tranny and every replie was yes. sure enough we get the tranny in and it needs a clutch. so i spend 200 on a new clutch runs fine foir 2 hours thgen decided to quit


so now its fixed i take it out for a weekend and blow the clutch up(that was my fault tho) rickey gives me a lift home and i put a new clutch in the next 2 days


so i go to take it out for a drive i go about a day then all the suddon the car wont start. cranks over and over but wont fire. now im starting to get angery but i hold my toung, i spend another 100 on this little computer modual thingy car runs good now for about 2 days


then mny car dies again i get towed home and find out that the altanator is bad another 150 and some money for a new battery. car runs good again


brakes have been bad so i decide to change them and the belts the next day (yesterday) car runs good still so i take it out to test the brakes i get about a mile down the road leaving a stop ligh i go WOT in second and all the suddon somthing clicks and BANG!! the car jers then shuts off. i pull over start it up again it iddles liek shit


get home and turn the idle up and it runs fine i cant find anything wrong with it :confused:


so i need somthing to get to work today ran fine in the morning for a hole half a day! im leaving work about a mile down the road allt he suddon i hear some clicking from the computer the cars turns itself off anfd on a couple time then a shitload of smoke roles out from under my dash...... SOMTHINS ON FIRE! i turn the key off and coast into my drivway and let the smoke clear up.


i start the car i have no guages all i can smell is a ton of gas and alot of blue smoke from under my hood the car idles like its running on 2 cylnders and im now missing qualifying and helping my dad out at Trails because of this shit


i have not had a drivabl;e car in weeks i was prommised a car that all it needed was a tranny and nopw im driving down the road and the comp catches on fire. as far as im concernd thsi car is dead i have no means of transportation now


dont gimme the fuckin its a DSM crap and this shit is normal because thats total bull. no car just catches on fire when your driving down the road unless there was somthing previously wrong with it that was neglected to eb told to me. this car is worthless now im stuck in a rut no vehicle no money BULLSHIT. :mad:


ps i dont care if my typing/spelling is off

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Originally posted by Theoretic:

no car just catches on fire when your driving down the road unless there was somthing previously wrong with it that was neglected to eb told to me.

ummm, sadly, DSMs do. Not a crappy DSM crack, They have actualy been know to just catch fire due to a wiring problem from the factory, its documented. DSMs are the crappiest, lowest quality AWD turbo cars you can buy, its not a crack, its a simple fact man :(

Freinds dont let freinds buy DSMs

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I would imagine the latest problem has to do with some leaky ECU caps. By the sounds of it, it will have to be completely replaced.


Basicly you had [almost] every known 1g problem happen to you in the course of a week. So it goes.


My DSM story is similar, only more expensive and over a longer period of time. This is the risk you take when playing with the DSM devil.

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DSM's are the crappiest awd car you can buy coming from someone driving a thunderbird, consider the source, I guess. Anyways dsm's in stock form are no more apt to breaking down than any other fourteen year old car until you start modding them. Mine even heavily modded had very few problems other than people not giving me quality work for the money I paid. If your going to state that a certain car is a total piece of shit you should probably drive a better car first.
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Originally posted by BOOSTEDJUICE:

DSM's are the crappiest awd car you can buy coming from someone driving a thunderbird, consider the source, I guess.

Only repair work ever needing done to the bird was the transmission (my fault anyways). 130,000 mile daily driver, and I open lap it regulary. Open lapping = beating the ever living shit out of every system on the car, I've got a solid 20+ hours of absolute balls to the wall driving, maxing out everything in the car but the stereo, and I've never had any reliability problems with the car, other then a transmission leak. (probably should have fixed that sooner then I did, or at least tried to keep the fluid full tongue.gif ). Everything is stock, 8 years old, accept the transmission, the U/D pullies, the exhaust, the MAF/tune, and the tires. And I can garantee my slow car will turn a faster lap then your bad ass DSM at any road course in the world, and yes I'm more then willing to back it up.

Indeed, consider the source.


Want a reliable AWD turbo car? Get one of these:


or a volvo or a subaru. graemlins/thumb.gif

DSMs are to cars as Falkens are to tires.

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

talk to JayC ben I think he has a story about a dsm catching fire. But at the same time I am going to sound like a dick. but seen it at roby, You bought a DSM thanx for buying Mitsubishi's shittiest car.

shittiest?????????huh ;)
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ok most unsafe, most unrealiable, most flamiable, most recalls, most cheaply built, and cheapest mitsu line to buy. That describes SHITTIEST! In my opinion Those cars are a whole waste of metal that should of been saved for other cars. Dispolable Speed Machine. Thats what they are and will always will be. like the cheap cameras you buy at a drug store most parents give to thier kids for camp.
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