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First Person Shooters - PC

Guest stvbreal

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Guest stvbreal
List your favorite First Person Shooters for the PC and demo download sites if you have any. I'm bored at work and need something to pass the time. I work from home now so it's easier to get away with palying during business hours. When I get bored with that I'll go fishing at the resevoir close by. :D
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Currently I've been playing Halo and FarCry the most. I have Doom 3, but wasn't very impressed with it (if anyone is interested in it, PM me as I have it boxed up right now)


I'm very much anticipating Halo 2 which actually came out today for X-Box (and I hate the X-Box) so I'm just really hoping Halo 2 is released for PC ASAP.

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Originally posted by Lustalbert (more used cars than CR):

halo 2 droped today? thought it wasnt out till nov 9th.

for now i play halo and doomII.

You may be right I just heard that on some other messageboards. It may still be in pre-order status and may not come out until November.
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Call of Duty - best WW2 game after MOHAA


Battlefield 1942 - nice quick arcadey action


Operation Flashpoint - Modern warfare. The Big One, WW3. Do you want huge battlefields with everything from infantry to drivable IFVS to Tanks to Helos to A10s? Literally full company sized engagements? Hundreds of men and vehicles duking it out? Want to be schooled on just how tiny one man with an RPG really is on the modern USA-vs-Soviet battlefield? Then this is your game. Nothing else can come even remotely close (the Battlefield 1942 series and mods are nice, but alot more arcadey, alot smaller, in numbers and map size) - Not for everyone, alot of run-n-gun gamers "don't get it" with OFP. I've designed almost 80 "maps" for this game. Send me a PM if you want any or want to try Co-Op. Big learning curve though. But cheap - its probably in the bargain bin now. Some Gold versions out now, and TONS of add-ons created by now that up the vehicle count and special effects. Turning into the "Falcon4" of the realistic shooters. If you know what that means, you'll want this game.


Halo - Bought it, dumped it. Sucked on the PC... woulda been great 4 years ago, but had been utterly surpassed once it got released on the PC by just about every other title out there. Good singleplayer game though. And playing a FPS with a gamepad is an embarrassment, so I flushed it. It was great on the xbox though when it came out.


Doom3 - good to hear I was not the only one who was bored, fills void til Halflife 2...


Joint Operations - 150 people per server, 'nuf said... No AI to speak of. No bots at all for multiplay. Small arms only really, gameplay surprisingly like Tribes, which is not a bad thing


[ 30. September 2004, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Originally posted by punkrocker3_00:

I played Duke Nukem 3D and Rise of the Triad when I was younger. I loved these games because they were nice and gory. Maybe be hard to find because they are like 10+ years old.

Sweet! ROTT kicks ass. Did you know they ported that to the DC, with mouse and kb support? (I have both, and the full version) Pretty easy game to find though, I know a channel on IRC... :D
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> I've been achin' for a good fps for a while now. The Jedi Knight series was pretty damn good, but graphics are getting a bit dated.


Was not impressed with Far Cry at all. The graphics were fantastic, certainly- but something just didn't do it for me in that game, and I don't know what. The storyline just never carried me away. *shrug*


Doom 3 sucked. I'm sorry. I really wanted it to be good. After the first 2 levels, it was just monotonous. Yeah, I loved the graphics, again- but the plot just wasn't happening.


Battlefield 2 should kick ass. Screenshots look terrific. And when Comp USA finally gets some more orders of Battlefront in, I'll be there to get it.


Sims 2 also looks good, though I'm not a big enough fan to shell out $50 smackers for it. And as far as I'm concerned, that's about it on the market atm.

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