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Man allegedly in al-Qaida plot to bomb mall in Ohio


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As Safety Director and Disaster Preparedness Coordinator for a large healthcare/network of hospitals in Columbus....this validated to all the staff, managers, etc. who complained about the preparation, the costs, and the training and drill we conduct. Any incident, and we have to be prepared to treat, decontaminate, protect ourselves, etc. Especially since we would receive so many injured.


Oh yeah...glad they thwarted this asshole's plot to blow up a mall. My guess...City Center since it would have the greatest impact. Anyone who works downtown knows how crowded that mall and the entire area gets around noon. Plus...the federal building is so close.

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I have heard that the mall in question was Tuttle Mall.


Also, there is a much simpler solution than the Patriot Act. Taking freedoms away from American citizens is wrong, but since nearly all of the terrorists and purported terrorists are non-Americans, I see nothing wrong with the following:


- Ban all immigration and visas from moslem countries


- Deny citizenship applications to persons from moslem countries


- Immediately track down and deport anyone from a moslem country who is here illegally


- Use currently legal means to track the contacts and travels of any US citizen with Al Qaida ties


- Charge any American citizen who has trained in an Al Qaida camp with treason/sedition. Charge any non-citizen who has such training with espionage.


- Database the history, activites and rhetoric of every mosque in the US. Determine where the most radical groups are.


We are at war. During WWII, we did not allow Germans or Japanese citizens to come to the US. We did not put up with American citizens speaking out in favor the Nazis or the Japanese, or having contacts with them.


Now, this isn't World War II. In many ways, it is more serious. September 11 was not some freak occurance, and major terrorist attacks can happen again here.


Legal rights are irrelevant when we are talking about spies and saboteurs, which is what a terrorist is. "Enemy combatant" as defined by international law refers to a UNIFORMED soldier serving in a NATIONAL MILITARY. Spies, saboteurs and agents are NOT protected. During the Cold War, despite the fact that no hostilites were declared, both the west and the communist bloc executed spies. The reds were a bit nastier, of course, but everyone knew what was at stake.


I am dumbfounded that we talk about legal rights for terrorists, or wring our hands over Guantanamo Bay. I am going to repeat this one more time for clarity -- in the history of warfare, spies, saboteurs and agents HAVE NO RIGHTS. They are not covered by any treaty, convention, compact or law.

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Originally posted by WWJKD?:

I have heard that the mall in question was Tuttle Mall.


Also, there is a much simpler solution than the Patriot Act. Taking freedoms away from American citizens is wrong, but since nearly all of the terrorists and purported terrorists are non-Americans, I see nothing wrong with the following:


- Ban all immigration and visas from moslem countries


- Deny citizenship applications to persons from moslem countries


- Immediately track down and deport anyone from a moslem country who is here illegally


- Use currently legal means to track the contacts and travels of any US citizen with Al Qaida ties


- Charge any American citizen who has trained in an Al Qaida camp with treason/sedition. Charge any non-citizen who has such training with espionage.


- Database the history, activites and rhetoric of every mosque in the US. Determine where the most radical groups are.


We are at war. During WWII, we did not allow Germans or Japanese citizens to come to the US. We did not put up with American citizens speaking out in favor the Nazis or the Japanese, or having contacts with them.


Now, this isn't World War II. In many ways, it is more serious. September 11 was not some freak occurance, and major terrorist attacks can happen again here.


Legal rights are irrelevant when we are talking about spies and saboteurs, which is what a terrorist is. "Enemy combatant" as defined by international law refers to a UNIFORMED soldier serving in a NATIONAL MILITARY. Spies, saboteurs and agents are NOT protected. During the Cold War, despite the fact that no hostilites were declared, both the west and the communist bloc executed spies. The reds were a bit nastier, of course, but everyone knew what was at stake.


I am dumbfounded that we talk about legal rights for terrorists, or wring our hands over Guantanamo Bay. I am going to repeat this one more time for clarity -- in the history of warfare, spies, saboteurs and agents HAVE NO RIGHTS. They are not covered by any treaty, convention, compact or law.

well said. we also took all recent japanese and german immigrants and put them in camps detainment for two reasons


1 in case they were spies

2 to protect them from other angry americans


one of those camps was right here in ohio down by chillicothe


the government should be allowed to take anyone they think is a terrorist and hold them untill they decide the person is not. the safety of the grater population is much more important than a few people being inconvenienced.


with recent events over the last 10 years or so I'm begining to think that maybe there needs to be a new world war against the muslim religon untill every person who believes in it is dead every mosque is razed to the ground and the threat of "holy war" against our fellow man is removed from our planet.


no one likes to walk around and wonder if the place they just went to hang out at might get bombed or nuked or gassed becuase some muslim asshole with a grudge thinks we fucked him somehow. and its not just here they bomb in europe asia and africa as well. hell they even blow each other up sometimes.


we've been dealing with terrorism scince the 70's and living in fear its time to level the playing feild and make them afraid to show there faces in public anywhere in the world


/ rant mode off-

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Originally posted by Neo:


I'm going to have to throw my two cents in. As much as we would all like to protect ourselves from being killed, maimed, or otherwise harmed when we percieve ourselves as innocent, doing so by amending laws that have been the basis of our freedom(s) is not the way I feel it should be done. There is no perfect way, and to uphold these laws and rights we are granted, guilty people may walk free. Innocents may not. It stinks, but are we really willing to imprison potentially innocent people to protect other potentially innocent people from a potentially dangerous situation? I don't agree with taking away all rights because we "think" you might be planning a terrorist act, but what's the alternative?
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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by WWJKD?:

- Ban all immigration and visas from JEWISH countries

- Deny citizenship applications to persons from JEWISH countries

- Immediately track down and deport anyone from a JEWISH country who is here illegally

- Use currently legal means to track the contacts and travels of any US citizen with KOSHER KILLERS ties

- Charge any American citizen who has trained in a KOSHER KILLERS camp with treason/sedition. Charge any non-citizen who has such training with espionage.

- Database the history, activites and rhetoric of every SYNAGOUGE in the US. Determine where the most radical groups are.

Now how does it sound Mark?


Change that to whatever your cultural and religious origins are.


It's not muslims. Its violent radicals. There are violent radicals that claim ties to judaism, christianity, bhuddism (wierd but it has happened), hinduism and even good ol' atheism.

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Originally posted by WWJKD?:

I have heard that the mall in question was Tuttle Mall.


Also, there is a much simpler solution than the Patriot Act. Taking freedoms away from American citizens is wrong, but since nearly all of the terrorists and purported terrorists are non-Americans, I see nothing wrong with the following:


- Ban all immigration and visas from moslem countries


- Deny citizenship applications to persons from moslem countries


- Immediately track down and deport anyone from a moslem country who is here illegally


- Use currently legal means to track the contacts and travels of any US citizen with Al Qaida ties


- Charge any American citizen who has trained in an Al Qaida camp with treason/sedition. Charge any non-citizen who has such training with espionage.


- Database the history, activites and rhetoric of every mosque in the US. Determine where the most radical groups are.


We are at war. During WWII, we did not allow Germans or Japanese citizens to come to the US. We did not put up with American citizens speaking out in favor the Nazis or the Japanese, or having contacts with them.


Now, this isn't World War II. In many ways, it is more serious. September 11 was not some freak occurance, and major terrorist attacks can happen again here.


Legal rights are irrelevant when we are talking about spies and saboteurs, which is what a terrorist is. "Enemy combatant" as defined by international law refers to a UNIFORMED soldier serving in a NATIONAL MILITARY. Spies, saboteurs and agents are NOT protected. During the Cold War, despite the fact that no hostilites were declared, both the west and the communist bloc executed spies. The reds were a bit nastier, of course, but everyone knew what was at stake.


I am dumbfounded that we talk about legal rights for terrorists, or wring our hands over Guantanamo Bay. I am going to repeat this one more time for clarity -- in the history of warfare, spies, saboteurs and agents HAVE NO RIGHTS. They are not covered by any treaty, convention, compact or law.

Definitely agreed for the most part. I'm not crying out for the rights of people who do these things. People who do things like this; terrorist acts, killing innocent people, etc. have willingly thrown away any 'god given' rights they had from their birth up to that point. I'm just saying people should not be able to be held indefinitely without trial. I could theoretically be called an 'spies, saboteurs and agents' at any point and throw in Jail indefinitely without trial per the Patriot Act as I understand it. That is what I don't agree with. We can't just 'say' they were planing something/part of a terrorist network and hold them for life.


Good post SlowZ06.

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something a bit more pertinent to mark: The Crimson Jihad. Where are they based? Good ol Egypt.

the is NO way to keep terrorists out of the country, we're too big. I think thats about the stupidest way to go about it, you're adressing the symptonms and not the problem. And the method in which you adress the symptoms is further pissing off the problem.

Our problem is foreign relations. If you want to stop fighting, stop pissing people off.

"they hate freedom" Bull fucking shit, thats not why they hate Amercans. They hate our support of Isreal, and they hate our shameless capitalist natures.

Whether or not their impressions of us are correct or not doesnt mean a god damn thing.

Our foreign policy is what needs adressed. We're reaping the consequnces of our forefathers mistakes. All those statesmen that a responceble for the descisions that lead to the world seeing us in the way that they do are to blame. Thats something even a good ol towlhead like Mark can agree with. tongue.gif

Suppose some one that you thought was lying an two faced barged into your shitty country, uprooted your despotic leader, and sent they're own contractors to come rebuild your country, to mine your oil, to manage your reasources. Are you going to trust them any more then before?

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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

Now how does it sound Mark?


Change that to whatever your cultural and religious origins are.


It's not muslims. Its violent radicals. There are violent radicals that claim ties to judaism, christianity, bhuddism (wierd but it has happened), hinduism and even good ol' atheism.

if it were radical jews, fin and dandy, or radical christians, cool. But they aren't the ones bombing people, lets try to keep the conversation in reality instead of the "hypothetical world" Please point out a radical jew or bhuddist or hindu.


Eric, what the musilum world doesn't realize is that we are holding isreal back from tearing the rest of the middle east a new asshole, they have much of our technology and thier air supremecy alone is worlds better than anything in the region.

you said

If you want to stop fighting, stop pissing people off.

"they hate freedom" Bull fucking shit, thats not why they hate Amercans. . . ."[/qoute]


"they hate our shameless capitalist natures."

last time i checked capitalism is a MAJOR part of our freedom. your own argument contradicts it's self, are we supposed to be communist instead and that would make the killing stop?


NO, These people Kill musilums who they think aren't Musilum enough, it's about power, they want it, and freedom, because if people have it the terrorists can't survive.


As UN-Politically correct as it may seem profiling WORKS!!

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by The Ogrish:

if it were radical jews, fin and dandy, or radical christians, cool.


As UN-Politically correct as it may seem profiling WORKS!!

Uhh lessee here there are radical jews bombing palestinians, the christians attacking aboriton clinics, and the KKK has protestant ties. Historically the christians initiated the crusades, the spanish inquisition, and lets not forget that Israel was carved out of Palestine as a jewish state.


Ok. Profiling works? Think about that the next time the cops roll through a CR meet. We are meeting quietly and peacably, yet we are PROFILED like the tire squealing, stero bumping, ricers.


The cops try and try and try to stop the unruly ricer meets. Yet we still see and hear about them street racing. So all that work is not stopping the problem. The older more established muscle and classic car meets are left alone, even though they are about as likely to street race too. CR is caught in the middle, we have the outward attitude of the older muscle and classic scene but are seen as part of the ricer scene. Which means that because of such profiling, we get screwed, even though we are about as good as you're going to get on the streets.


Its not about being politically correct, its about whats right. The PC movement is a bullshit move to cover up problems with pretty words. Yea there are radical muslims bombing us. There are also normal people who belive in Islam who are working beside us, busting their asses to get ahead just like we are.

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Originally posted by Neo:

You could wake up tommrow morning and be put in jail for life without a trial and no one could do anything about it.

Well i wouldnt have to worry about some one crazy or thouhgt to be crazy straping a bomb to himslef and blowing shit up now would i ;)
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You could wake up tommrow morning and be put in jail for life without a trial and no one could do anything about it.
Not if you abide by the law? If you don't break any laws then why would you show up on a desk? No way is a person who is law abiding going to be sitting in his living room and federal agents bust in and take him away. Give me a break. If you keep your nose clean you have nothing to worry about. What do you have to hide? I could care less what the government sees me doing, it would be me sitting on my couch eating chips and watching ESPN. I bet that is exciting! Hall me away.......


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I don't care. If shit's going to happen, it's going to happen. I'm not going to sit here worrying about it. But I do agree with Mark. We need to go to a closed borders situation for awhile so we can get all this towel-headed assholes that hate our country the fuck out of here. That is all.
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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

- Ban all immigration and visas from JEWISH countries

- Deny citizenship applications to persons from JEWISH countries

- Immediately track down and deport anyone from a JEWISH country who is here illegally

- Use currently legal means to track the contacts and travels of any US citizen with KOSHER KILLERS ties

- Charge any American citizen who has trained in a KOSHER KILLERS camp with treason/sedition. Charge any non-citizen who has such training with espionage.

- Database the history, activites and rhetoric of every SYNAGOUGE in the US. Determine where the most radical groups are.



OK by me; the Jews invented terrorism. :eek:
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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by WRallyBlue02:

Not if you abide by the law? If you don't break any laws then why would you show up on a desk? No way is a person who is law abiding going to be sitting in his living room and federal agents bust in and take him away. Give me a break. If you keep your nose clean you have nothing to worry about. What do you have to hide? I could care less what the government sees me doing, it would be me sitting on my couch eating chips and watching ESPN. I bet that is exciting! Hall me away.......


Thank you for posting some common sense. Our government agents do not waste their time, resources, personal careers, worldwide reputation, and diplomatic relations on "so-and-so said so." No one gets detained or arrested without GOOD REASON, and CREDIBLE information.
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I hate to get in on this but nothing stopped anyone else so now my .02 :) The best defense against having a shitty country isnt holding a gun or closing a border. Its getting information, good information, and acting with it. What comes first on the bill of rights? Free speech, religion, press, assembly, and bitching at the gov't. People have to know what the government is up to in order to be pissed enough to not want it to happen. Instead, every major news source spends 5 days straight covering nothing but a dead guy, who a good portion of the public didnt even like that much. Did iraq dissapear when he flat-lined? Certain people in power hope so. Good news -> informed citizens -> informed decisions.


People who claim erosion of rights is leading to the downfall of america need to get with the times. The world is WAY too big to have the attitude of 'do whatever you want, wherever you want, and we wont bother you til after you kill somebody'. Let the FBI arrest whoever they like. If theyre innocent, they will be freed. Having a nation of informed, able minded citizens is by far a better defense for the US, as opposed to simply whining every time it gets easier for someone to be investigated by the feds.


Moral of the story, demand good information, encourage others to do the same, and act sensibly on it! thanks for reading -jeff

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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

Now how does it sound Mark?


Change that to whatever your cultural and religious origins are.


It's not muslims. Its violent radicals. There are violent radicals that claim ties to judaism, christianity, bhuddism (wierd but it has happened), hinduism and even good ol' atheism.

you are semi correct there ARE violent radicals in every kind of religon. however ISLAM is the only one that directly promotes violence in its teachings the bible says love your neighbor islam says kill your neighbor if he's not just like you. these aren't people who can be reasoned with they need to be exterminated like the roaches they are. thats right kill every single last one of them and the rest of your viloent radicals will dissapear. fear works both ways
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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

Now how does it sound Mark?


Change that to whatever your cultural and religious origins are.


It's not muslims. Its violent radicals. There are violent radicals that claim ties to judaism, christianity, bhuddism (wierd but it has happened), hinduism and even good ol' atheism.

The old "good moslem, bad moslem" argument. Well, you are ignoring the reality that these guys are VERY POPULAR in islamic countries. It's not a small minority, like the number of Americans who think that Tim McVeigh was a good guy, or the number of skinheads. It's more akin to the number of people who think that the guys who put together the Boston Tea Party were right. Osama Bin Laden is George Washington in the muslim world.


And if Jews blew up the biggest building in the country, then yeah. Your analogy would make sense.


No offense to any of you white breads, but I understand a whole lot more about those fuckers than you do. I've lived there, and virtually my entire extemded family has escaped to the west to get away from those morons. Islamisn is WORSE than Communism or Nazism, BY FAR. Godwin's Law. I lose. tongue.gif

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

you are semi correct there ARE violent radicals in every kind of religon. however ISLAM is the only one that directly promotes violence in its teachings the bible says love your neighbor islam says kill your neighbor if he's not just like you. these aren't people who can be reasoned with they need to be exterminated like the roaches they are. thats right kill every single last one of them and the rest of your viloent radicals will dissapear. fear works both ways

Religious texts have been open to interpretation and questioned because of mistranslation. Both the Koran and the Bible have passages that can be interpreted as 'kill them all'. The Koran also has a passage that states (roughly), 'Christians and Jews are not bad people, simply people who follow Allah by a different name or who have not felt his grace'. Which to me, pretty much says not to hate on others because we're all people.
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