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American man held hostage..

Guest busteryhyman

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Fucking fuck fucks.


Seriously, how are these people getting captured? I'm pretty sure if they tried to take me, I would fight every one of those dicks until I killed as many as I could. I know I wouldn't make it alive, but hell, neither would at least one of them.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Fucking fuck fucks.


Seriously, how are these people getting captured? I'm pretty sure if they tried to take me, I would fight every one of those dicks until I killed as many as I could. I know I wouldn't make it alive, but hell, neither would at least one of them.

Another American died when this guy was grabbed. Perhaps that's how he felt, too. Kinda tough if you're unarmed, but I'm with ya on that.
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Guest busteryhyman

i'd honestly be scared half to death if a group of these fuckers came near me armed. if i'm unarmed, i'd basically just hurt myself in the struggle.


I can only imagine how this guy is feeling and how scared he is, not to mention his family

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Fucking fuck fucks.


Seriously, how are these people getting captured? I'm pretty sure if they tried to take me, I would fight every one of those dicks until I killed as many as I could. I know I wouldn't make it alive, but hell, neither would at least one of them.

i may be wrong but i dont think you'd have that same attitude if you were in his situation. if i had family at home like he does, i wouldn't be going kamikaze on the arabs and end up getting shot up with automatics. i'd be working out a plan on how to get away without them being able to cap my ass
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This thread is bordering on offensive. Lets keep it sane, and not start saying things that will insult people on the board who are undeserving. That is a good way to lose political posting privelages.


And deft., yes, I would do that were I in his situation. I have seen what happens to the hostages, and I would take one out before I got my head cut off.

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I sadly see this ending the same way as the last guy. Him screaming as they kill him and post the video all over the web. If I was sent over there, you bet I would have my company pay for some training, just in case. And I wouldn't go anywhere with out some carring some protection.
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Originally posted by punkrocker3_00:

I sadly see this ending the same way as the last guy. Him screaming as they kill him and post the video all over the web. If I was sent over there, you bet I would have my company pay for some training, just in case. And I wouldn't go anywhere with out some carring some protection.

Right on. I wouldn't be walking anywhere in the middle east without a fully automatic weapon or six and definitely not alone. Obviously this guy and his companion were ambushed. I would rather die than be used as a bargaining chip that would cause my family to go nuts with worry. I'd rather have them know that I went down fighting and that I WAS dead and died quickly instead of having my head cut off on video or being beaten to death in a cell.


But that's me.

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