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$8.00hr I need two helpers tomorow


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$8.00 hr you'll get paid friday evening or saturday morning


I need to sweep up an attic and insulate it with 8 inches of sheet styrofoam. I will provide gloves and a mask if you need them. you may want to wear long sleves as there is already some fiberglass insul in the attic and its kinda dusty.


we will meet at my house around 9am and I will drive you to the job we will work till 5 or 6pm if your interested please call 614-354-0635 and ask for Dave.




[ 05. October 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Gas, Grass, or Ass ]

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is this cash, under the table? or what? can it be thursday? I am unblelievbly busy tomorrow, or I'd do it, but i can do it thursday or friday. and why do we have to work and wait to get paid?


IM me at Black98Beast,


if you REALLY need someone tomorrow, offer me a little more and I'll cancel all my plans. smile.gif

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