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So I help a neighbor out.


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Somehow, it's a long story. Here's the short version.


Neighbor behind us buys house. Guy rents out house to some other peeps. Those peeps had a fall out, and the girlfriend/teenage kids and the guy split up. However, the guy still pays rent on the house.. just isn't there to cut the lawn.


Fast forward to tonight. The guy who owns the house shows up (he got a call from the neighbor telling him he HAD to cut the back yard) with a 5 hp push mower. That isn't going to cut it. I'm on my deck, drinking a beer, smoking a cig.. on my laptop. I walk over to him and asks if he needed any help (it took him 10 minutes to go 1 row btw).


Break out the 12 Hp murray. dual blades.. 38" cut... with Gator blades (bad ass lawn mower blades).


Cut through it like butter. However, when I'm going in a few spots, the fucking grass is coming up to the top of the hood on the mower! It a good 3-4 FEET high. :eek: A few times I thought I'd see smoke rolling from the motor as it was pushing REALLLY hard to cut through the thick shit.


He was breaking a massive sweat while I was just tooling around on my mower. smile.gif . He got about 10% of the lawn done and I had the other 90% done by the time he did that 10% smile.gif . I kept on looking over at him like.. "Holy shit dude, this is high fucking grass!". This was also the first time I met him. Never seen him before in my life.


Oh well. It was fun. I like helping my neighbors out when I can (they re-pay me in beer smile.gif ).


just though I'd post it.

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That's cool of you.. nothin worse than mowin silly high grass w/ a push mower.


Reminds me of the winter when I'd break out the snowblower. I'd feel bad watchin the neighbors struggle and end up doing ~5 driveways totally defeating the purpose of having the thing.. I'd end up spending more time/energy vs. just shoveling the drive..

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I just cut my back yard for the first time this past Sunday. It was pretty freaking high, not 4' high, but high.


My old mower died, my roomate hooked me up w/ a nearly new 3.5HP el' cheapo mower. I figured this thing didn't have a prayer, but this little thing busted through it FAR better than my old mower could have ever dreamed of.

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It was only his back yard too btw. The other neighbors around him (the guy's behind me) mowed the front to keep it somewhat decent looking. You just walk around ot the back.. and OMG.. it was a freakin jungle back there..
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