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Here's where I went:



Once there download the



You can probably take it from there.


One note about the Eclipse project - they are making new builds continually. The builds, or "drops", with an R in the front are the stable, "end user release" releases. You want those - the other ones are more raw, though newer, haven't been thru full testing.

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My g/f took meto her Library at OUZ, I came back with 3 books lol. Beginning Programming for Dummies, Database Programming, C++ for Real Programmers.


? for you. Id like to go to school for this, but have no idea what its called. Can you tell me, and is it 2 or 4 years,do you know?

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On eclipse I am making the Hello World, using the tutorial. I came to a spot that says


In the public static void main, method, add the following, System.out.ptintln("HelloWorldnd save your changes, then click continue.


What/Where is the public static void main?

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If you are programming hello world in java it would look something like this


class HelloWorld {

public static void main( String[] args ) {

System.out.println( "Hello World!" );




I probabally wouldn't use the eclipse tutorial to try and learn java but thats just me.

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You have to create a new class in your project and then type that code into the editor. It won't already be there, you have to type it in.


+1 on not using the eclipse tutorial to learn java. Go to www.javaranch.com. A lot of good info on there to help you get started learning about it.

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