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Guest ravedave

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Guest ravedave
i test drove a mustang cobra today and i neeeed it. i just need to figure out what it is i need to do to get out of my negative equity, i don't have enough for a down payment to just ignore it. any help is HIGHLY appreciated!!!!!!
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by OversizedFocus:

i test drove a mustang cobra today and i neeeed it. i just need to figure out what it is i need to do to get out of my negative equity, i don't have enough for a down payment to just ignore it. any help is HIGHLY appreciated!!!!!!

<font color ="midnightblue"> The thing is, you don't need it. Cars are the worst investment ever. Period. If you can't comfortably afford it, don't buy it.
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Agreed with Garrett completely. Unfortunately, there's no way that I know of to get yourself out of the hole you've put yourself in. The only thing you can do now is not make the hole bigger. Believe me, I feel your pain - I am the king of getting flipped upside down on cars. smile.gif


Like Garrett said, if you can't afford it comfortably, you've got to walk away from it until you can. That, or plan to sleep in your car.

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Like Garrett said, there isn't anything you can do, other than LEARN from your current mistake.


#1: Don't play musical cars; you'll almost always end up losing money


#2: Negative equity is a bad thing....it makes a bad situation worse. I've never traded in/sold a car that I didn't already have paid off 100%.


#3: Research and really know what kind of car you want, and have it be one you will want to KEEP. I've had the Formula for 6 years, paid it off, and will probably keep it forever. Bought the Jimmy in cash from insurance money on my Blazer, which I also bought it cash and owned for 3 years. Bought the Moostang in cash, but it's at a point in age/mileage that as long as I keep it in it's current condition, I should be able to sell it for about what I paid for it.


Overall, be smart about what kinds of vehicles you buy. And IMO, avoid buying brand new cars, the depreciation will almost always bite you in the ass. In your situation, keep the current car, take good care of it, and send in as much as you can afford in payments. Get it paid down enough to where you can sell it and break even....THEN buy what you want.

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I can say this stuff becuase he's my brother.


David, don't be a fucking MORON.


You need to get your head on straight before you even think of a car like this. You screwed yourself when you bought that Vibe, and now you need to get yourself out by paying it off. You'll need a much better job than the one you have to get a Cobra. You'll need to two cars to drive becuase a Cobra would be a horrible car to own in the winter. Trust me, you know I drove the T/A the first winter I bought it, and it was hell! Unless you sell those drums, you'll still be in serious debt(you know what I'm talking about). Once you get yourself out of serious debt, if you wanted to, I'de gladly sell you the T/A. Probably wouldn't want it beacuase you can't bang your gears. :rolleyes:


In conclusion, think before you do stuff. Stop oogling over things you can't afford, and concentrate harder on how you can get out of your current situation. I'm only being a hard ass becuase I care!

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Originally posted by 00 T/A:

You need to get your head on straight before you even think of a car like this. You screwed yourself when you bought that Vibe, and now you need to get yourself out by paying it off. You'll need a much better job than the one you have to get a Cobra. You'll need to two cars to drive becuase a Cobra would be a horrible car to own in the winter. Trust me, you know I drove the T/A the first winter I bought it, and it was hell! Unless you sell those drums, you'll still be in serious debt(you know what I'm talking about). Once you get yourself out of serious debt, if you wanted to, I'de gladly sell you the T/A. Probably wouldn't want it beacuase you can't bang your gears. :rolleyes:

true..... true
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Guest mudbutt
You werent really owned or served as much as you were taken to school....but it really isnt a bad thing. Listen to your brother and others in this thread. Debt sucks. You can only go so far with it before it comes a REAL problem.
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