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Looking for insurance agencies I can deal w/ on the phone w/ no agent


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Here is my dilema. I've had American Family for over 3 years; they insure my 3 vehicles and my house. Never had much of a problem w/ them, and wouldn't mind staying with them. Then my first agent quits. I get tossed over to a second agent. A few months later, a 3rd agent (each further away from my house).


Well, this new lady is some PITA Russian lady. I have to come in to change ANYTHING on my policy. Well, she finally pissed me off for the last time. I call in to take storage insurance off the Formula and go back to full coverage (had to do some stuff to it before I took it off). She tells me I have to drive it in so she can take pictures of it. Mind you the last 2 agents took pics of the car. And it has been insured w/ them for over 3 years; I'm just changing my coverages. The problem; I can't get in there. I NEVER get off work before 5, and she is closed at 5. I can't get in there whenever she is open, so I'm screwed.


I need an insurance agency I can deal w/ over the phone. I DO NOT WANT AN INSURANCE AGENT. They are a PITA.


I also need an insurance company that only looks back 3 years, not 5 (some do 3, some do 5). My roomate has Geico, but sadly they look back 5 years, which would screw me on rates. Can't do Progressive because they don't do home owners insurance, and the combined discount is always pretty good. Will NEVER do Allstate again, so they are out, as is American Family obviously.


So if anyone knows of a place, PLEASE let me know. I want to drive my car again!!!!!

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Guest doggunracing
I have State Farm, but I'm not sure how much they'll do over the phone. They seem to go out of their way for many other things, so it's worth a shot. A good agent would stay late to meet with you. They also have Homeowner's policies.
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Guest powers

state farm is agent only for homeowners


Joe if it were me I would use an agent, just a good one.


I have no experience with any of these companies but thought I would list a few not already done so.








I use Erie but they look back 5 years for auto, sorry.

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I use Safeco. The agent is in Westerville, but he's pretty good. His number is 890-7070.. and his name is Ron Goeppner.


He should just be able to help you out over the phone. He works out of his house so he's ALWAYS there. You can go to him at 9:00 at night if you wanted to and he'd take care of you (I've known him for a good 15+ years).


not sure how far back they'll look. I'm guessing 3 years.

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Joe call All americian Casuelty on brice road I use them and there servive is awsome they are agents but there are three of them in one building And have been doing it for years, They also sell for multiple comanys so they find you the best price avail. They are on the east side of brice down between main and livingston
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State Farm is the best. I have never had ANY issues. They only look back three years, and I have never been bothered by some hocus pocus bologna picutre taking.


If you agent would arrange some time to meet up with you after hours, that's horseshit. You shouldn't have to comprimise to their standards, they should be busting their ass to keep you as an insured.

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