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anyone here have a pilot's license?


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have been actually flying the past few days, and that shit is crazy, i have never been in such a small plane(Cessna 172) so needless to say i was nervous, but after a day or so i had taken to it like a duck in water...doing stalls, steep turns, un-assisted takeoffs and landings...i am ahead of the 'curve' and the lesson plans by quite a bit, they were really impressed with me in the simulator and even more so in the airplane...must be all those years of video games smile.gif


just wondering if anyone here flies, and what kinda time they have? i assume it will eventually become second nature, almost like driving a car...because i still get a little nervous.

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I flew EA-6B Prowlers in the Navy. About 800 hours in civilian single E, 200 or so 2E. Got my IFR in a 70s Warrior:



Nothing like it. Some things become 2nd nature, but just like riding a bike you better never "zone out" at the yoke. Haven't flown now in like 5 years. Brother-in-law and I were going to go co-op in a Cherokee, but then they started having kids... and soon so will I. Expensive hobby, but a blast.


[ 06. February 2005, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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I flew a few times with an instructor. never had the money to start lessons. always did MS flight sim though. got a type of a home built cock pit for it in my basement.


what do you think of the sport pilot program?



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