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*CR Poker Tournament*

Devils Advocate

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

If I remember correctly, I have taken your money as well...


whats the total number of times i have taken your money ;) no being arrogant, but since we olny play for five bucks i really dont get all into it everytime.
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Guest infamous me 235
I'm saying definitley all the time, No Limit Texas Hold 'Em. I usually play dealers choice between Omaha Hi and Hold 'Em, but for a big tourney it should be all the time NL Texas
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

In for the win. :D

Not if i'm playing.


Jon, I have a funny ass story about last night what I did playing poker. Ah fuck it...


I get dealt 7-9 Hearts and just call the BB.

Flop- 5-6-8...... of all hearts. First thoought- Fuck someone jus hit their flush, I check my hand. wait, I have hearts... 5,6,7,8,9... thats 5... in a row!!! :eek: Louis was just watching, sitting next to me. He saw it too. I just layed my cards down and someone bet $3.50. So I just called to get everyone else behind me to play and lose their money. Turn is A hearts. Sweet, please someone have flush. THe same guy goes all in :eek: With only $7.50. Im like, you're all in? NOT EVEN FUCKING THINKING!! I JUST SAY CALL AND THROW MY CARDS DOWN AND SAY STRAIGHT FLUSH!! I was like, wait fuck!!!!!! Just a straight thats what i meant. But everyone saw my cards. I didn't even care that I could have won another $20 just that I flopped a straight flush.


Later, flopped another straight flush draw and got it on the turn. Took someone out with that. Flopped quad 2's... took alot of people's money with that.


I fucking owned last night.


Good Luck everyone when we play.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Waiting for someone to volunteer a warehouse or some shit. Where is Just Cause to offer his sweet home made poker table for the final table? :D

I got warehouse space, but what about tonight? stil at your place? anyone from polaris area able to give me a ride over there?
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